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Ophelia was sleeping in her dorm as a creepy woman barged into the room.

The girl froze in fear as the lady crept toward her bed.

"Wh-what do you want?"

"Come with me."


"Child I don't have time for this."

The woman took Ophelia and left the dorms as quietly as possible, and went outside to the Ozziefruit Orchards.

Ophelia was petrified, even though she couldn't see the woman very well in the shadows. She mustered up some courage, "Could you... step into the light please?"

Bad idea.

The woman was ghostly, with a frightful face and long dark turquoise hair. Her floor length dress was also tattered, and it looked like it was covered in debris from some accident.

"AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE AFTERLIFE?!-" Ophelia shrieked, wondering why Rancora, who should've died in the collision of the Radiant Recreation Center, was standing right in front of her.

"I got knocked into a coma," Rancora answered calmly, "What happened in the last few days?"

"Umm, so a building, the recreation center, collapsed. The students inside escaped but they were attacked by someone- that person was you- the negative energy wrecked everything so it broke apart completely. You didn't escape in time, at least that's what me and the students who escaped thought. It somehow got rebuilt though? Anyway a bear also attacked the campus and that was quickly fixed. The end." Ophelia summarized the latest events.

"So everyone who knows about me thinks I'm dead?" Rancora asked.

Ophelia nodded, "Mhm."

"Even the headmistress?"

Ophelia nodded again.

"Well that makes everything even easier for me." Rancora smirked, making Ophelia gulp. "I need you to steal something for me."

"I'M COMMITTING THEFT?!" Ophelia shouted, a bit scared for herself.

"Yes yes you are." Rancora rolled her eyes, "Go in Lady Stella's office and find some mirror pad thing, and bring it back to me."

"Umm, alright, if you say so. Just please don't hurt anyone." Ophelia replied as she went off to perform the task.

"This girl is so naive." Rancora scoffed.


"Shouldn't the office be locked at a time like this?" Ophelia told herself as she got to the office door. Avoiding the security watch Bot-Bots was surprisingly easy. They weren't too qualified for the job honestly.

She pushed the door to see if it would open. It did, which was odd. Lady Stella probably forgot to lock it. And the headmistress herself was sleeping with her head on her desk in the office.

Ophelia entered the room and glanced at all the paperwork at the desk. She must've been so tired from all the events happening lately and got more work to do. She looked around for the mirror pad thing Rancora told her to find, and it was right in Lady Stella's purse.

She kneeled down and carefully took out the mirror pad. Ophelia grinned at how pretty it was- a golden and white thin box with pink stars and a shiny, glassy mirror. It even came with a cute stylus.

She almost wanted to take it for herself.

But she didn't want to risk that, so she ran off to give it to Rancora.


"Here, I got it for you." Ophelia arrived back at the OzzieFruit Orchards, holding out the mirror pad.

"Nice job, my little pawn." Rancora took out the mirror pad and examined it. "It's the real thing."

Ophelia's timidity went away for a moment, "Don't you dare call me 'pawn' again."

Rancora was surprised at this boldness, "Puppet?"


The dead seriousness in her voice was enough to make Rancora stop teasing the girl.

A/N: I actually really like this chapter-

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