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A/N: Another TW (trigger warning) A bunch of characters almost die, and one does. Nothing is graphic tho!

"𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀!" 𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 as the headmistress was thrown across the room as the SDs, who didn't even know how to fight as Zodiac Startresses, panicked.

"What's going on?! Are we gonna be alright!?" Gemma screamed, holding on tightly to Tessa, "I don't wanna end up like Sage's dad!"

Tessa comforted Gemma as the one causing the attack entered the already ruined room.

"You!" A rageful Astra confronted the unwelcome guest. "Reveal yourself!"

"I bet it's Rancora! She took away Sage's dad!" Leona guessed, backing away from them.

The guest smirked, "Correct again!" and unleashed another wave of negative energy.

"Uhh- What do I do?-" Clover tried to think of how to proceed as cracks formed in the building.

"Isn't it obvious? Fight!" Scarlet shouted as she launched herself towards Rancora, blasting as much burgundy wish energy as possible at her.

Rancora fell to the ground after three to four bursts of power, and was struggling to get back up again.

"Nice one Scarlet!" Sage cheered her on. "It seems like our powers are much stronger in this form!"

A look of fear was spread on Rancora's face as she got up. She hastily drained the wish energy from a tired Lady Stella as she attacked once again. She shooted blasts of negative wish energy everywhere.

Cassie tried to keep calm and defend herself, but the few bursts of energy she was confident enough to launch failed. She started to run from the blasts being targeted toward her as she was caught off guard and was blasted against the wall.

Clover followed a similar fate- she tried to fight back, even launching herself toward Rancora to battle her head on, but that only gave the woman the opportunity to throw her across the room which she gladly took.

Libby tried to get Rancora to fall down with waves of pink wish energy, while Leona attempted a sneak attack. Both failed, and they laid on the ground moments later.

A determined Gemma charged toward Rancora after Tessa was nearly hit, but she got hit herself and tiredly laid on the floor as Tessa stared terrified.

The Star Darlings tried to attack back, but they were so confused and struggled to know what to do. They hadn't been trained yet, and several of them were too scared to do anything.

After many attempts to knock down Rancora without her getting back up, the room was absolutely trashed. Much of the equipment was broken and destroyed, the walls were cracked and the glass shattered, and the lights were going out one by one.

Some of the Star Darlings- Cassie, Clover, Libby, Leona, and Gemma- were knocked to the cold floor, weak and unable to battle as the rest tried their hardest to defeat Rancora.

Sage blasted a bunch of lavender wish energy at the threat, as the rest who were still alright- Astra, Adora, Tessa, Scarlet, Piper, and Vega- did the same. Still, it wasn't enough to stop her.

A mob of concerned students, wondering what havoc was going on, surrounded the recreation center. Screams and cries at the destruction happening filled the crowd.

"THE BUILDING'S UNSTABLE!" Tessa yelled as she and the others saw the large crack at the top of the ceiling, about to crack and bring everything down and injure- or worse, kill- them all. "THE NEGATIVE ENERGY HAS RUINED THE BUILDING!"

"Forget Rancora! GRAB LADY STELLA AND THE REST OF THE SDs!" Sage instructed, running to wake up Cassie and Libby.

Rancora continued to attack the area, making the building's already poor chances of surviving worse.

Cassie slowly opened her eyes, "What's going on- WHY IS EVERYTHING BREAKING APART-" she shrieked.

"Quick! Get outside, this place is gonna collapse!" Sage instructed as she woke up Libby and Cassie carefully got out.

"Clover! Leona!" Adora started, incredibly concerned, "Get up! We need to go!"

Leona coughed as she slowly got up and took one quick glance at all the destruction, "NOPE I'M NOT DYING!" she ran out.

Clover stood up, started panicking, and followed Libby and Leona out.

"Lady Stella! Wake up!" Piper pleaded.

Vega shook her a few times. Still nothing. Her face was struck with fear as she checked her pulse, and then she sighed a breath of relief. "Alive."

"Good, now how do we get out so she'll still be alive tomorrow?!" Scarlet questioned.

Astra thought for a moment, "I'll carry her."

"Won't she be heavy?" Piper asked.

"I do sports for a living." Astra remarked, "She won't be that heavy for me."

"Alright then! Carry her and let's evacuate!" Vega yelled as Astra carried the headmistress with her arms and the other two went as well.

Tessa and Gemma still hadn't left yet. Tessa was running as bits and pieces of ceiling fell down, covering the floor with debris.

"TESSA!" A woken up Gemma screamed with terror, shedding tears as the ceiling above and walls around her started to break and fall apart. She was too hurt from being hit by Rancora to get up and run away. "HELP ME!"

A bit of the unstable ceiling broke off and started falling to the floor, moments away before it would kill Gemma.

"I'M COMING!" Tessa shouted back, speeding toward Gemma and rapidly picked her up and ran as the bit of the ceiling crashed onto the ground. Even though they were both alright, Gemma was still crying.

"Hurry up! We need to get out of this place!" Astra hollered, running through the halls of the building with the rest of the SDs.

All 12 Star Darlings and Stella swiftly left the building, being careful to not get caught by the scared mob.

Rancora glanced around the trashed room, noticing all the SDs were gone. She took more glances before noticing the barely stable walls and ceiling, which were at this point shattered.

"There's only one option." Rancora told herself, and started to head out the door as the ceiling finally burst after so much destruction.

But it was too late.

The building began to crumble, it's walls and ceilings falling on top of each other. The crowd took quick notice of what was about to happen and was instructed by the school staff to disperse. Shrieks were let out by fleeing students and faculty as the Radiant Recreation Center fell from grace.

A/N: The original version of this was much more tame as I didn't go into too much detail about the SDs and the rest trying to escape but I went "Eh I could do better"

Star☆Darlings: Zodiac StarstressesWhere stories live. Discover now