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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 at the collapsed building, wrecked and blackened by negative energy, as well as surrounded with a gray fog of debris and trash.

"Did Rancora just die?" Gemma looked at the building, wide eyed at what she just lived through. "RANCORA JUST DIED."

"Well..." An uneasy Vega started, "She didn't leave, and if she tried to, it wasn't in time."

The girls were quiet with only a few mumbles as Lady Stella finally woke up.

She coughed, tired and weakened as she glanced at what was the Radiant Recreation Center. "Rancora destroyed the building, she attacked all of you, didn't she?"

Piper nodded, "Mhm."

"I'm glad all of you are safe," Lady Stella smiled, "Rancora is absolutely dangerous-"

"Actually, it's more like 'was' now." Libby awkwardly corrected.

Lady Stella's face turned dead serious, "What happened?"

"She didn't make it out in time, and so..." Tessa sighed, and played with strands of her emerald green hair, "Got killed by the collision."

The headmistress struggled to react properly. On one hand, the major threat keeping Starland from being safe was gone, but on the other hand, her best friend from high school was now dead.

"Uhh what do we do now?" Astra blurted, a bit conflicted herself. "Do we plan a funeral? Call the construction workers? Go to class?"

"Meet me in my office." Lady Stella answered as she headed back to the academy.


Professor Dolores Raye marched into the office, "Stella, a building on campus is completely destroyed, and rumors are spreading that people were fighting in there, along with a rumor that someone got killed!" She bursted.

Illumia Wickes joined in, "Didn't you say you had a 'special program' or something you needed to tend to in there? What happened? Did the people in this program get hurt? I hope none of them are students!"

"I just have one question-" Lucretia Delphinus chimed in, "DID WE ALL JUST WITNESS TOTAL DESTRUCTION?"


The headmistress just sighed annoyed as she sipped her zing, "I'll answer all of your questions later."

"We just lost a whole building for Jupiter's sake!" Eugenia Bright shouted, "Luckily I've been told the students inside were evacuated, but still! We need to call the government!"

"And we need to get the building rebuilt as soon as possible!" Dolores added.

Lady Stella sighed again. She really couldn't blame them for reacting this way. "Don't worry, I'll make sure the building gets rebuilt swiftly and safely, the students in the program are alright, I talked to them. We'll investigate this attack soon."

The faculty calmed down, finally satisfied and relieved.

"Now, classes shall resume!" Lady Stella announced as they all headed out and the Star Darlings entered.

"Lady Stella, what do we do now?" Piper questioned.

"Rancora is technically defeated now, so does that mean Starland is alright?" Gemma asked, with Tessa close to her (she was a bit traumatized by the collision).

"Is training gonna continue?" Astra asked, "I was looking forward to becoming a Zodiac Starstress!"

"To answer all of your questions at the same time-" Lady Stella started, "Zodiac Starstress training is going to continue. Yes, Rancora is gone, but I'm afraid the world is still in danger, and you all got a first person look of what disaster happened outside." She went, "I need to train you more so that can never happen again, and if it does, it won't be as bad."

The Star Darlings looked at each other and nodded determinedly.

"Will our parents know about this?" Libby asked.

"No," Lady Stella sighed, "It's too dangerous-"

"Star Apologies for interrupting headmistress, but I disagree," Vega stressed, "Weren't our parents Zodiac Starancers themselves? Their the Zodiac Signs! They can train us to be even better!"

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure if my dad told me about it he wouldn't have been taken away by Rancora, and by the way, WE STILL HAVEN'T SAVED HIM YET!" Sage added on.

"Those are very good points... I guess we should tell them." Lady Stella grinned.


The parents of the SDs- Indirra, Sage's mom, Erica who was the mother of Libby, Leona's father, Logan, Virginia, the single mom of Vega, Andromedus, Scarlet's dad, Uncle Andreas, Cassie's makeshift dad, Prudence, the mom of Piper, Asher, Astra's dad, Teresa and Geo, the parents of Tessa and Gemma, Adaline, Adora's mom, and finally, Claudette, Clover's mother, arrived to the office.

"Welcome! It's so nice to see you all again!" Lady Stella smiled.

"Again? I mean there's parent teacher conferences but again?" Gemma asked, confused.

"We knew each other in high school." Erica quickly explained.

"So you all know the Zodiac Sign thing now, eh?" Geo started, chuckling, "We honestly thought you'd never need to know."

"Well we do now!" Sage added, "Are you gonna teach us your ways?"

"Indeed, but..." Prudence sighed, trying to come up with the right words, "We can't let you be Zodiac Startresses."

Everyone gasped. Some of the girls opened their mouths to protest and complain but were quieted down by Lady Stella.

"WHY!?" Gemma yelled.

"Your teenagers." Asher started to explain, "Teenagers shouldn't be worrying about saving the world, keeping buildings from collapsing, or be facing death on a daily basis-"

"YOU FACE DEATH ON A DAILY BASIS?" A concerned Cassie bursted.

"It was more like a weekly basis, but anyway-" Asher hastily answered, "You all could've been killed in that building collapse, and you weren't even actually trained yet."

"We just don't want you to get hurt," Teresa sighed, "I could've lost you, Tessa and Gemma."

Tessa and Gemma sighed as well, "Star Apologies."

"But we're glad you're all ok!" Claudette cheerfully added, "I wish I could say the same about Leonard."

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DAD?!" Sage questioned, "Rancora took him away! And even though she's dead now, we have no idea where he is or if he's even alive!"

Indirra started, "We'll handle that, don't worry, he'll be ok."

"We'll save him, you guys don't need to risk anything." Adaline grinned.

Clover sighed with relief, "Thank the stars."

Star☆Darlings: Zodiac StarstressesWhere stories live. Discover now