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The next day the Star Darlings came into the Zodiac Dome only to be met with Scarlet's dad and another man arguing like crazy.

"How DARE you call me a secretly insecure egotist!" A man with curly, silvery pale blue hair and dark skin yelled at Andromedus.

"I wasn't lying! You really are!" Andromedus yelled back, his eyes shooting daggers at the other man.

Cassie looked around concerned as she entered, "What's going on?"

"This guy thinks he can just walk right in and be treated like royalty, eh?" Andromedus answered, burning with anger. "Orion, just get over it already!"

"You STUNG me!" Orion continued on with his rant, "Contrary to the myth I didn't die, but still, it hurted a lot!"

"You deserved it! What kind of hunter kills THAT many animals in a forest?!" Andromedus bursted.

"How do you expect me to survive in a forest?!" Orion shouted at him.


"Remember your daughter and a bunch of kids are also here~" Tessa chimed in.

Andromedus quickly turned quiet, "Anyway I'd like you to get out."

"Nah." Orion was just messing with him at this point, "Make me."

"I swear to Jupiter stop being so annoying." Andromedus complained, clenching his fists in irritation.

"I think I know what's going on, Orion and Scorpio are archenemies! At least in the myths," Vega realized. "Right?"

"Right." Andromedus and Orion glared at each other.

"You still haven't left yet."

"Trust me if I didn't hate you so much I would've respectfully left."

"Can you two please stop fighting?" Piper pleaded, "This is fixing nothing."

"What do we need to do for you all to stop acting like this?" Scarlet questioned, tired of all the nonsense.

Orion thought for a moment, "I haven't eaten in a while, bring me some lolifruit ice cream perhaps?"

"So you're just hangry?" Sage asked, a tad puzzled as Orion lifted his shoulders.

Gemma's eyes lit up, "I LOVE lolifruit ice cream!"

"Me and Gems will get you some right away!" Tessa grinned as she took Gemma with her and went to bring the ice cream.


Rancora grumbled. All this searching throughout Starling Academy and nothing.

Not a single Cosmic Crystal.

The Star Darlings had become Zodiac Startresses, there has to be at least one Cosmic Crystal around.

She was gonna have to change her plan. What could she do now? It had to be cruel, vile, and malicious. So wicked that it would traumatize the Star Darlings forever and would let her destroy Starland.

She knew exactly what to do.


Ophelia had run off and was now in her dorm room, examining the glittery reddish pink stone she held in her palms.

"Is this one of those Cosmic Crystals?" She asked herself. She didn't have any device to try out it's power, so the girl wasn't sure. Ophelia took another glance at the symbol on the crystal, an ⛎. "Ophiuchus? The maybe 13th zodiac sign?"

There were 12 Star Darlings, 12 zodiac signs...

It all made sense now.

She was the 13th one. The unlucky one. The one that wasn't special. She was just a burden.

Ophelia had an odd feeling Rancora wasn't done with her just yet.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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