The Doggone Girl is Mine

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Damon sat down, crossing his legs as he listened to White Tracie drone on and on about how she hated Lucious. He could find hundreds of people who hated Lucious but he needed to know why she would be valuable to him. "Look I want him to lose everything he ever loved. He took my entire life. My son. Now he's about to do the same to your daughter." "Lucious is a lot of things but he not stupid. How would you be able to get me closer to what I need?" "Lucious doesn't like unwanted attention. It would be a shame if someone who knew him personally started spilling family secrets to the public. I think that would take his focus away from her for a minute."

"So you don't mind being disposable?" Damon questioned as he leaned closer. "As long as he gets taken down...... I'll be whatever you want me to be." "You're not my type but definitely nice to know." The sound of the door unlocking caught Damon's attention. "Dad why do you keep hitting me up?" Yana called out. "Excuse me a second would you?" "Sure." "Dad!?" Coming up the hallway, Yana caught a glimpse of the white woman her dad was talking to. "Who is that?" "Who is who?" Giving him a blank stare she pursed her lips.

"I can just go ask her myself. It's okay." "Okay! Okay! She's a new employee of mine." "What the hell does that even mean?" "Don't worry about it. I need to talk to you. You seem to have forgotten what you're supposed to be doing for me." Yana poked out her lips and shook her head. "Nope. I just have nothing to report. I stay in the studio or in the office. That's it. You know you haven't even mentioned my new single." Damon rubbed the back of his head pretending he hadn't heard it. "You haven't heard my song? Are you messing with me?" "I mean....... I loved it. That shit was fire baby girl."

"That should let you know that I haven't had time to gather information on anything. All I know is that they are sleeping on opposite ends of the earth. I don't know if he's mad at her or she's mad at him. They're just pissed." "So they haven't been together?" "Not from what I can tell. I'm almost certain Lucious sleeps at the office." "Damn," he tossed out with a chuckle. "Look can you just not do whatever you're planning with Aileen Wuornos in there? Can you just back off for a minute? I got this. I'm not hiding anything or forgetting about what it is you need. Just trust me please?" "I'm just looking out for you."

"Well stop. I told you I could do this so let me." Damon nodded as he pulled Yana in for a hug. "Mmhmm so why did you choose Cookie over mama?" "Do we have to do this?" "Yes! That woman is a piece of work literally." "Yeah but she's different. I ain't met a woman like Cookie in my entire life. She..... she gives you that love that makes you want to give everything up." "You mean to tell me you would've just shut everything down?" "For her? In a heartbeat." Mouthing wow, Yana stumbled back, her head spinning.

"Whoa whoa. Are you okay? I'm going to call a doctor." "No I'm fine dad. I just.... I didn't eat this morning and I've been on the move you know. I just need to eat." Making her sit down, Damon squatted down and looked at his only child. "This is why I don't want you at Empire. You get excited and wrapped up in shit then you forget that you have to take care of yourself," Damon confessed. "I'm fine. One skipped meal is not the end of the world. Now can you just back down and let me do what I do? Please?" Looking at his child he reluctantly gave in. "Okay but if I feel some way I'm stepping in." "Thank you. Now I gotta go." "Wait what!? You just got here!" "Studio time duh. I love you." "I love you too."

Sure he'd back down. He'd back Lucious right down into his own grave. There was no way in hell he'd just let his daughter stay in the company of that man. Pulling out his phone he looked at the last text he sent to Cookie, no response still. He hoped she wasn't trying to test him. Last time she did that someone got hurt. He'd hate to remove a Lyon cub because she wanted to act cute. Turning back around, he went back to Tracie. "I'll call you. I have to do something tonight and if that doesn't go right you'll be hearing from me first thing in the morning." She grinned, sticking out her hand. "Pleasure doing business Damon," a sinister grin on her face.

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