Progressively Finding Our Way In

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The Next Day

"Cookie!" Becky called out as she rushed to catch up with the matriarch. "What's up Becky?" "I know you said you're almost done with this album so we were wondering if you had a single you wanted to drop and a video to record along with it." "Ugh I keep forgetting I have to be a whole artist now." "Yeah and you have a shit ton of fans who are dying to hear what you have waiting for them. Like your album might be hotter than any Lucious Lyon album ever." Cookie side eyed Becky. How would that even be possible? He was Lucious Lyon. But then again she was the one who made Lucious.....Lucious. "I have a song. I'll send it to you in a minute." "Thank youuuuuu." Cookie hummed as she headed up to the office.

Busting through the doors, she didn't look up from her phone when she plopped on the couch. Landing herself right in Lucious's lap. "Ooooh." "Oh God. Get off me!" She snapped as she struggled to get up. "You're on me but I do not mind." Pushing herself up, she switched sides with a huff. "What you want man?" "Well now I want what just fell into my hands." "Lucious," her nose flared as she glared at him. "Okay okay okay. So we found him." "Found who Lucious?" "Ray. Hiding out in a little shit box in Florida." Cookie scrunched her face. Why was he in Florida? "Are you sure you have the right person?" "Raymond Bennett Jr. Closest family listed is an unnamed niece. Thirsty was able to pull up some old files on him. Damon bailed him out a few times."


Cookie opened the office door, not expecting Damon to be on the phone. Why summon her if he was busy? She huffed, turning around to go back to her cell. The sound of Damon clearing his throat put a halt in her steps. Looking over her shoulder, she saw him signal her over to which she complied. The closer she got, the more he pushed himself away from his desk. "So what you're saying is, it's not going to be a problem is that right?" Damon hummed as he unbuckled his pants. Watching his hands, Cookie dropped down to her knees. "Thank you Mr Bennett. I owe you my guy," Damon expressed before almost moaning in the phone.

"I'll be out there this weekend. Later." Cookie smirked looking up at him. "You better watch it," he tossed down at her, throwing the burner into a drawer. "I'm only doing what you asked. I thought you couldn't take personal calls on the job," Cookie murmured before going back to the task at hand. "My brother Ray found something that needs my dire attention. Unfortunately I can't leave until Friday to tend to it."  "Awww you poor baby." "Don't be condescending." The grip he held in her hair made her freeze all movement. Letting her go, Damon lounged back and let her continue. "I need you to chill with the slick talking. I got 2 new COs coming in and I might not be back until Tuesday. If I come back and you been sent to the hole I'm going to lose my fucking mind."

"Stop hiring these damn marks. They think they hold some power over us and they don't. We still fucking human Damon and you need to tell these niggas that!" Letting his dick go she stood up ready to leave. He was always asking her to hold her tongue but wasn't telling the COs to stop fucking with the inmates. "Cookie get your ass over here!"  Pressing her lips, she folded her arms over her chest. This was bullshit and he knew it. Spinning slowly, she stared him down. "Look... just keep your mouth shut and your head down until I get back. I'll have a talk with them okay. Just make sure you're in your cell and not the hole. Got it?" Rolling her eyes she nodded. "Now bring your ass over here so I can break you off."  A slight smirk popped up on her face as she waltzed over. Just like that, she got what she wanted.

*Present Time*

"Cook...... Baby?" "Hmmmm?" "You good?" "Yeah that's him. Look we too hot right now to be killing niggas. The FEDs are still watching and if you up and leave they gonna be right on your ass." Lucious nodded. He thought about that and as much as he just wanted to take Damon's people out 1 by one he knew he couldn't without getting locked up just as quick. "So what do you want to do?" "We gotta lure him. Someway we gotta get him near our space." "He just came down for Yana. He might still be here." "Let's have Thirsty trail him. If we can see what he's doing here then we can figure out how to get to his ass. There's no way he's leaving Damon's life behind in Florida while he's here in New York." "Shake him down here and he'll either fold then run or he's going to die fighting to protect Damon."

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