Could It Be?

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Jamal sat in his house, thinking about Skye being pregnant. He couldn't get her to talk to him whatsoever. As a result of hounding her so much, he hadn't seen Aden outside of Empire for the past 3 werks. He just wanted to get an honest yes or no answer from her, but all he was getting was "leave me alone, you made your decision, let me live, and it's none of your business." He even tried to get Becky to get some information but she refused to get in that. Almost everybody else was saying if she's not telling you anything then take it as that and move on, but he just couldn't do that. Something was telling him that he needed to be there.

The elevator doors opened and Cookie's heels were heard, along with tiny running feet. "Thank you for coming Cookie. I can't get him out that chair. He won't talk to me about whatever is on his mind," Phil told her. She glared at her son, who apparently was still keeping secrets from his man. "I'll see what I can do. Haven come play with Phil for a few minutes while I talk to your brother," she instructed, seeing her child looking up at her brother, playing with his eyelids since he was acting like he didn't see her. "Mal is being a biscuit face," she murmured. Cookie couldn't for the life of her understand where Haven was getting these phrases.

When Phil and Haven walked to the back, Cookie hit Mal in the back of the head, making him snap out of his thoughts. "Ma stop!" He growled. "You better remove some of that bass out yo damn voice. Why you moping around the house? Ignoring your sister and lying to Phil," she pursed her lips at him. "I'm not lying but I can't tell him anything yet. I can't just be like sooooo there's another kid on the way until she says yeah it's another kid on the way," he said, feeling the pressure on his shoulders get heavier. "Well then get up. I got Thirsty to see if he could get her next doctor's appointment. You got 30 minutes to get there," she told him.

He jumped up, giving her a big hug and grabbing his keys. She shook her head and sent the address that he didn't care to get from her. "Where is he going?" Phil questioned. "He is going to check on something. He didn't say what but I think he'll be in a different frame of mind when he gets back. Try to talk to him then," Cookie said, putting on face to hide her little lie. Haven stood around the corner, seeing Cookie's lie face, something that she seen her give Lucious quite a few times. She didn't know what the lie was for, but she remembered getting in trouble the last time she asked why her mom was lying.

"It's going to be okay. I promise and if it's not then I'm beating his ass myself," Cookie comforted Philip. "Alright. Thank you. At least he's out that damn chair. He been there for the past 2 days," he voiced. "No wonder he smelled like a can of ass," Haven snickered, adding that to her list of phrases. "Come on Miss Nevaeh. We have to go to Empire," Cookie called out. "Can Phil come too?" Haven asked, looking up at her mom. Cookie looked at Phil for an answer. "I have to go to work for a few hours, but I'll come after I'm done. Is that alright?" He asked. Haven nodded, giving him a hug before leaving.

Once the mother daughter duo got in the closed elevator, Haven looked up again. "Did you lie to Phil cebause Ady is getting a sister?" She bluntly asked. "How do you know that?" Cookie asked. With Jamal not having Aden outside of Empire, it wasn't expected that Haven would've been around Aden too much. "He told me. We always go play in our hiding spot so his mama can't find him and take him home," Haven explained. Cookie sighed as she got her all knowing child in the car. "Yes I did lie because Aden might be getting a sister. Phil doesn't know that yet and he might get sad if we tell him. So don't say anything about it to him. Let your brother tell him okay?" She told her, getting a yes ma'am in return.

Meanwhile, Jamal made it to the doctor's office with 4 minutes to spare. He got out, rushing inside to see Skye standing up to go to the back. Quickly going to her side, he held her hand, giving her a Lucious Lyon glare. "Oh hi Mr. Lyon. Are you here as family or supporting friend?" Dr. Kimble asked. "Both," he said looking directly at Skye as she got off the scale. "Well perfect. Right this way please," the doctor voiced, not seeing Skye swatting and pushing Jamal away. "Get up on the table for me. How have things been going?" Skye was asked as she sat down and took her shirt off. Jamal couldn't believe how big her belly looked.

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