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Izuku was barely able to escape from class 1A, after he was rejected to rest in the U.A dorms by the civilians who were there. Izuku was wandering the city when he heard a voice calling out to him and decided to follow it. This voice led down underground to a mysterious temple. Izuku saw a stone crown in the center of it and went towards it. As soon as he grabbed the crown, the League of villains came to hunt down Izuku. Izuku tried to take down some of the villains, but his right arm was taken away. Leaving Izuku with one arm to protect himself.

Shigaraki: Izuku Midoriya, how do you feel being trapped in a corner and about to die in any minute?

Izuku: You're wrong about this shigaraki. This is the Greatest moment of my life!!

Izuku was getting overwhelmed with all these villains after him, as he placed the stone crown on his head. As he placed it the whole earth shaked, frightening every single one. 


Izuku: Where am I?

Mysterious voice: Choose, human? The supreme god Buddha, will you kill him or spare him?

Izuku: Huh?

Fake inko: Oh, I borrowed an image from your memory to communicate with you. I'm an agent and executor for Buddha. Anywho, I've never seen a prophet like you. How do you have the energy of so many prophets within you?

Izuku: I still don't understand what's going on here? Buddha, I have to choose to kill him or let him live.

Fake inko: This is an imaginary place. It's completely separate from the outside world. So you can be honest. You're the one who called me. You've begged him for salvation countless times. You'd better hurry. Once sacrificed in this whole prophet tragedy like you is on his way here. Now, choose human! If you become one with the supreme god, you will also be all-powerful. You could even revive your dead mother and other people who died. If you don't revive the supreme god, it's all over. You'll probably be killed by shigaraki too. Now! Prophet! It's time to choose!

As Izuku was thinking about what to do, if he should revive him or to kill him.

Fake inko: Now! The black moon has risen! It's time to choose! Make your choice! Chosen human. Betrayal of god or betrayal of humanity, do you regret the choices you have made?  But your luck. After so many generations, the prophet's wish has brought you, an ordinary human, this far. 

Izuku: I… I choose.

As Izuku was going to make his choice, he heard a loud explosion in the entrance and saw class 1A and 1B trying to get him. He didn't know what to say, when he was going to say something he felt shigaraki arm pierced through his chest. When Shigaraki was about to pull his arm out of Izuku's body, he grabbed  Izuku's zen-beaded necklace with a cross hanging at the center. That was the very last gift he got from his mother. Both classes were shocked to see Izuku dying in front of their eyes.

Fake inko: Are you shocked? Surely not. Part of you must've seen this coming. You knew there'd be a price to pay for using great power… It's a kind of tax for creating a world for human centrism. Now! It's time for you to make your decision! Will you revive or kill the supreme god Buddha?!

Uraraka and bakugou: Deku!!

Class 1A & 1B: Midoriya!!

Izuku's eyes flash before his eyes remembering every decision he made, everyone that he ever met. Izuku looks around and sees his mother making dinner and asking about his day. Izuku rushes up towards his mother and hugs her, thanking her for loving him.

Izuku: I choose to revive him.

As Shigaraki was about to deliver the final blow, Izuku stops him and points at the villains. Moving his index finger across each villain cutting off their heads, shocking class 1A & 1B seeing Izuku's hair change white. As that was, everyone on the surface saw the moon shattering into pieces and buddha figures coming down from the sky.  The temple that was once in the ground raised up to the surface.

Izuku: I have to make everything right again… I'm going to change the world.

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now