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Everyone for the hero course wakes up in a massive library and recalls what just happened with Izuku.

Kirishima: This is bad.

Tokoyami: What are we doing here?

Jiro: What is going to happen to the world?

Miro: What the hell is wrong with you, Midoriya?

Amajiki: Calm down, Miro.

Seiji: You class 1A what's going on with your classmate?!

Inasa: We can't just sit here doing nothing, while he's terrorizing the people!!

Inasa went to the door and opened it, and saw massive black space with doors floating all over. They sat back down after witnessing that and wondered where they were. As Odin's horse came up to them and huffed on some of them as hagakure pets him.

Hagakure: Oh, so you're the one who brought us here. Thank you!

Ojiro: Oh, then this place must be related to Odin somehow!!

They turned back and saw Satan there looking lifeless, they approached him.

Satan: Man, I'm starving.

All of them were startled by the fact that he was still alive after all that Izuku did to him. As Kaminari wraps Satan in parchment because there were no bandages.

Kaminari: I don't see any bandages, so I have to use parchment instead... Do you mind?

Satan: I wonder what horse meat tastes like?

Which shocked everyone else, the horse, when Satan looked at him hungry. The horse ran towards a door and kicked it revealing a massive pantry of food.

Mineta: There's food!

Satan: It's a feast!

Almost everyone eats to replenish their strength. As they were eating Satan looked at them, which they noticed right away.

Satan: By the way, why were you fighting him before I did? What's your relationship with him?

Iida: We're his classmates from class 1a!

Satan sits there analyzing this information, soon gets up and walks towards iida. Iida looks at him, a second later Iida gets headbutt in the face and starts fighting him which shocked everybody.

Satan: Don't you dare make a joke about that, you two are classmates!

Iida: Why the heck would I make a joke about that?!

As Satan and iida were fighting each other, everyone helped break up the fight before it got out of hand. Satan was laying on the ground trembling after the fight with Izuku.

Bakugou: Satan... you've gotten weak too... Then again, you did lose your heart.

Shindo: Lost his heart?

Kendo: yeah, his heart contains his powers, but Izuku took it for himself and now became more powerful than ever.

Satan: I lost again... I guess I really am weak... I miss... Odin...

Saiko: If I may ask? What was that power that Izuku midoriya was using?

Momo: What I can tell it's from one of gods, but I don't know who?

Satan: He has Buddha's power! Buddha was the supreme god, the leader of the heavenly realm before me.

Uraraka: Buddha, the man who achieved the state of unconditional and lasting happiness: the state of enlightenment, of buddhahood.

Satan: Yes who else?

Todoroki: What about that other man who also gained powers from a god?

Satan: That God is the jade emperor, the one God that stayed behind with the human race. Don't worry, unlike most Gods he does care about Humanity and chooses to protect them. 

Awase: Okay?

Satan: Besides that man still needs more time to obtain Buddha full power.

Inasa: You mean that wasn't his full power he used?!

Satan: No, he needs about 2 or 2 & half months to achieve his full power. In the meantime you have to train to even try to catch him.

Shindo: So we only have 2 months to train?

Satan: Yes, I think I only know two humans who can reach him now.

Tatami: Only two?

Satan: Yes, the number 1 hero in the United Kingdom Pandora and the number 2 hero of the United States Joker. Those are the only two I can think of that might have a chance against him, but for now I'm going to train you all so you won't get killed immediately by him.

Kirishima: What a relief. I'm glad you're here with us Satan... We've got the best teacher in the world...

Satan: It's time for some fun.

Everyone: Uh oh..

Satan gives them a demonic smile as everyone is afraid of what Satan is going to do with them. In the real world, Izuku was standing in front of a group of people, while behind him were his 4 disciples.

Random guy: Your Izuku Midoriya, the one Shigaraki is after! Get away!

Random woman: If you stay here Shigaraki will find us!

Random guy 2: Get out of here before you bring him here!

Izuku: Don't worry he's gone for good this time, I made sure of that.

Random guy 3: So we're saved?!

Izuku: No!

Random woman 2: Huh?

Izuku: We're beginning the selection process now. Only those with the conditions for creating a perfect version of humanity will survive. Naturally, this Disqualifies the elderly and the sick. Everyone disqualified will be executed immediately. The execution is instantaneous, but it won't be completely painless. I'm sorry about that, but this is the best we can do right now. This may be the end of your life, so I'll give you all a chance to speak.

After saying that, a man throws a stone at Izuku's face but hits an invisible wall leaving it in mid-air.

Random guy 2: Who gives you the right to choose who gets to live?!

Izuku: No one. No one gave me the right to choose, but I have the power to make it happen. And I'm going to use this power while I can. This may not make you feel any better, but the gods and monsters will all go through the same selection process as humans. No one can avoid this, so just accept it.

Random guy 4: W-what are our chances of being chosen...?

Izuku: Your chances? I don't like to talk about chances... but if it helps you understand, I'd say about 0.0001%. I don't want to give you false hope. But I will only spare children at the age of 12 & young from the selection.

People were shocked after hearing that they have less than 1% of living from the selection.

Rabbit: Isn't your master just so sexy? Although he was way hotter before, of course. Don't you agree? Monkey? Bamto! Now let the selection process begin as our master wants! Infinite bamto cause.

As they began the selection, mini rabbits appeared killing all the people who were there as everyone screamed and ran. But it was hopeless, as they were killed one by one they had nothing left to get killed or be chosen. As Izuku turned his back and started to walk away from this.

Rabbits: Bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! bamto! That badass attitude! That condescension!! It's so hot!!! I wish he could do his hair like before...

Izuku: Didn't you hear me just now? You guys are no exception, so get started with the selections. And have whoever's chosen run me a bath right away. I'm a bit tired, and make sure the water temperature is right.

Rabbit: As you wish, master...

Civilians: Aaaahhhh!! Aaaahhhh!!! Help!! Aaaahhhh!!!

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant