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Robin: *Huff* *huff* Alright, Let's go to the ends of this damn world!

As she, Mimosa, and Asta moved the cart filled with children away from all the danger that was happening. Suddenly Asta had a gut feeling of something or someone, turning around he realized that he was still alive. As the injury on his heart starts thumping in pain he sustains that.

Asta: Hurry... we have to get away fast.

Mimosa: Asta what is it? Is something going to happen?

Back in the Central building, the pro heroes are trying to kill the remaining children who remain behind.

Nyikang: Kill them! Wipe them all out!!

Théophile: They're really trying to die together!

Suddenly, Mujin appears in the center of the battlefield to eliminate the threat.

All pro heroes: Izuku Midoriya!!

Mujin: Jin. Don't you dare lay a finger on my world. You worms.

In a split second, Mujin killed every pro hero on sight, letting him have a chance to fight back. Blood starts dripping from his mouth and chest. Realizing that the wound from the last attack that Asta gave him is still not healed completely. Outside was no better, as rubble started falling from the sky narrowly missing the group.

Robin: They're trying to just smash everything up!

Back inside the building, Mujin sees all the children's dead bodies littered on the ground lifeless. Gunhead held Katsuma captive ready to kill, as he was stared down on by Mujin.

Radio: We've completed planting explosives inside the Central building. We will set them off when you give the order. Codestruction mission is ready to launch! We will blow up the building as soon as you give the order.

Gunhead: Don't move. We've planted explosives throughout the building, here too, of course. You must've made quite an effort to build this, but we can blow it up at one go. Move a muscle and we'll hurt the things dear to you right away.

Radio: I repeat. We've completed planting explosives. This building will soon explode. All agents should evacuate immediately-

Before the message could be finished, Mujin destroyed the top part of the building himself. Gunhead could not believe that Mujin destroyed the building that he created. Before Gunhead could react, the left side of his body was completely obliterated. Katsuma pushes Gunhead's fingers away, getting out of his grip, and walks to Mujin, who gives him a big hug.

Mujin: ... You have already ...Hurt the things dear to me. You're bleeding...

Katsuma: Yeah... it's ok.

Gunhead remembers the first time he saw Izuku at the U.A. sports festival and how he did anything to win.

GunHead: You were so much brighter back then-

As he was killed on the spot in a second, Mujin did not show any mercy on the pro hero.

Mujin: Shut up.

Mujin turned his attention to Katsuma, and with one swipe of his hand, he completely healed Katsuma from his injuries.

Mujin: Are you all right?

Katsuma: He stopped. This man... he intentionally stopped his last attack on me.

Mujin: That's how weak they are...

With a wave of his hand, Mujin created a throne from himself overlooking the renewal earth in all its glory.

Mujin: What a sight... if only the bugs were gone...

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now