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Izuku: In order for new life to be born, it needs to break out of its egg. The universe is the egg, and only by breaking out of it can we experience a near infinite universe. Extinction. Death and extinction are like the shadows behind birth and creation. Consume Gaia, the 'spirit' of the earth... and devour the land, the 'body' of the earth. The new promised land where the perfect humanity will live. The old humanity is rotten to the core. It needs to be cut out to purify our world.

As he was saying this, all of his memories of his weak self flooded into his head. Izuku was about to vomit as he kneels down as Ryong tried to see if he was while the earth life was slowly dying.

Ryong: Are you okay?

Izuku: If you ever... put your filthy hands on me again, I'll cut off that ugly head of yours right off your body.

Ryong immediately takes his hands off Izuku, feeling the blood lust coming from him. Suddenly Izuku's hero costume floats towards Izuku, letting it go all his hopes and dreams, and most importantly the memories of his mother. Izuku looks towards the sky seeing the new promised land that's being created.

Izuku: Now... let's go... the end is coming.

As the purple beam pierced through the earth, creating a massive hole causing so much destruction in its path. As the pro heroes see this, they know that they have to strike now before the earth is completely destroyed. Finally it was time to attack, as heroes with flying quirks carried some of the other pro heroes and the rest an air crafts ship to Izuku's floating temple. Izuku sees this, attacks with meteors right at the pro heroes and students, but only a few get hit by them. One of the aircraft shoots missiles at Izuku, but suddenly the missiles were stopped by a barrier that was protecting Izuku and his disciples. Izuku retaliates as he drops buildings on the remaining civilians, trapping them like a game of Tetris.

Izuku: Perfect.

As the last piece of building was going to fall on top of the civilians, suddenly the building was destroyed by some of the heroes who stayed back in case of any emergency. While some of the aircraft tried shooting again at Izuku, but Izuku used Longinus powers to all incoming attacks for the heroes.

Izuku: You're weak... pathetically weak... the heroes from the old world... coming together in battle... you're not even close to my level. Get out of my sight.

Izuku destroyed a few of the aircrafts, demonstrating his powers to the heroes. As he turned his back against them knowing their efforts are worthless compared to him.

Ryong: I guess... they were really that weak then.

Nighteye: Damn it! Does that villain really think that this is a game to him?!

Stars and Stripes: We don't have to bicker! Need to focus on the task in hand!!

As they yelled, suddenly 10 giganties were summoned about to heroes and civilians who were on the surface.

Fourth kind: That villain is trying to buy sometime by distracting us from regrouping with the other heroes with those things!! There's no time...! We won't be able to save everyone!!

Bakugou: (Deku! Has gotten even more stronger... way stronger than before...!! At this rate... we won't be able to stop him!)

Suddenly, the 10 giganties were destroyed by Stars and stripes super move: Fist Bump to the Earth. As Izuku turns back, a little shocked that the number 1 hero from America destroyed his giganties. Suddenly, Buddha's consciousness appeared, surprising Izuku about stars and Stripes quirk.

Buddha: I'm surprised... that women's power is quite unique... and trying to threaten my fortress?! Now... this is going to be fun...

Izuku: Drop it. Right now.

Suddenly, all of the floating temples came and surrounded Stars and Stripes about to shoot their lasers at her. But Star and Stripes used new order to gather them to make Keraunos another one of her super moves. As she grabbed the lasers making it into a giant lance of energy. She then raises her arms and stabs the lance into the floating temples, simultaneously piercing and burning them.

Star and Stripes: Now... the counterattack begins.

Izuku puts up a barrier to prevent the heroes from getting in, but the heroes who focused on long range attack. As they used their full power and support items to break Izuku's barrier.

Rabbit: This is why I love working with our master! There's always a chance to fight!

Deer: It's sickening... humans are ruining even the new world...

Izuku: If they dare oppose my plans with force, then I'll stop them with force as well. Dragon kill them all and don't let anyone alive, that's an order.

Ryong: As you wish, my master.

As the aircrafts landed on the floating temple, the heroes charged towards the temple believing that All for One is behind this chaos. Suddenly, something fell from the sky stopping the heroes in their tracks as the thing arose from the ground. It was Ryong who stood up in front of the heroes blocking their way from entering the temple. While the other disciples watch as Ryong enters the battlefield prepared to engage with the enemy.

Monkey: Dragon has taken action... there's nothing for us to do. Since he's stronger than all of us...

Deer: People are all wrong. They might think that Ryong's attack power is incredible, but the scariest thing about him... is his unbeatable defense.

Ryong: I'm 'Ryong.' I will defend my master till the very end. Those little tricks of yours won't work against me.

Stars and stripes: Let's see yo--.

As she was cut off from her sentence by Ryong punching her right in her gut, as she was kneeling on the ground. As the rest of the pro heroes were shocked by Ryong getting the strongest women on her knees by one punch.

Ryong: Like I said before 'I will defend my master till the very end.' so try your best shot, you pathetic humans.

As every hero gets into a battle stance ready to Ryong, as some of the pro heroes rush headlong into battle trying to take down him as fast as they can. But to they're shock, Ryong killed those heroes who charged immediately with the slash of his sword without batting an eye. As he was going to launch another attack, best jeanist used his quirk: Fiber Master to bind Ryong wraps threads around his neck and attempts to suffocate him into unconsciousness. But instead it only made Ryong angry as he already is, as he breaks free from the threads and his jacket is destroyed by unleashing his wings.

Ryong: How long are you still gonna act like you still have a chance of winning this battle! My master shall create his promised land and none of you shall stop him!

Everyone is frightened by Ryong's menacing aura, making them hesitate which gives Ryong an opportunity to attack them. As he took down some of the heroes, as everyone got back. Star and Stripes used her super moves Fist Bump to the Earth to try to blast Ryong away. But instead Ryong catches the attack with his bare hands, only skirting back a few feet.

Ryong: If this is all you have, then die!

Best jeanist: Frankly that's not an option for us we'll die to the bitter end!!

Endeavor: Will put a stop to you and your master's plans!

Edgeshot: No matter what it takes! Will never surrender!!

Mirko: Don't think we'll go down that easy!

Ryuko: It's our job to protect the civilians that are in danger!

Ryong: Let's see, if you can prove that you, unworthy humans!!

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now