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After unleashing one of his techniques Ryong x Ryong (Duplication), both him and the clone start beating the living hell out of endeavor without stopping. The rest of the heroes felt like they couldn't move, making them utterly useless. Suddenly, 10 heroes rushed in trying to save endeavor from Ryong's assault.

Ryong: You humans are truly foolish!!

Taking down each one of the heroes with a single strike, as Ryong looks disappointed at the heroes.

Ryong: How disappointing my master was right, you humans are truly pathetic!!

As Ryong stomps his foot down on endeavor's head to the ground. While the other pro heroes felt frozen, unable to do a thing to help. As they felt completely useless for the first time in their lives, they could only watch as Ryong stomped endeavor near death.

Ryong: No matter how strong your power is, it's nothing compared to master.

As he walked towards the heroes, suddenly Endeavor grabbed Ryong's leg. Trying to stop him before he could do anything to the heroes as Ryong turns his head looking down at Endeavor.

Ryong: You still want to fight? Fine then!!

Beating the living hell out of endeavor, kicking and punching the daylights out of him. Suddenly, someone appeared looking disappointed at him for not obeying his order.

Izuku: Didn't I give you simplistic orders?

Everyone looks to who said that, as they turn to see Izuku there with a different appearance. As he slicked back white hair, with two pieces of little hair forming little horns at the top of his head. Wearing a red Hawaiian dress-shirt with yellow flowers, and black dress pants. They were shocked by Izuku's appearance, but most of all how he got here.

Izuku: Dragon I think it's time for your punishment.

As he turns around, cutting off Ryong's right arm causes it to bleed exponentially, which the heroes are surprised by Izuku. Izuku grins at Ryong's pathetic state, as he mutters to himself.

Izuku: You're finally dead... creature...

Izuku turns around looking at the heroes who were just standing there, with disgust at them.

Izuku: I hate you people... don't be too sad... I won't send you on your journey alone...

Hawks: Where have you been, Midoriya? We were looking for you?!

Elecplant: Hey kid do you know what's-!!

Before he could finish his sentence, he was killed with a cross shaped hole on his crest.

Izuku: Too slow.

As everyone looks at Izuku's palm glowing with a golden cross and realizing that Izuku just killed a hero right in front of them, without hesitation.

Izuku: This is war. Don't you think we're playing a game? And this is all you've got, what a disappointment. Have you forgotten you're in enemy territory here? How can you all be so careless? Did you think you'd look manly if you charged at me like that? "We lost, but we put up a good fight." "We lost because the enemy fought dirty." What a bunch of bullshit that is!!

Endeavor: What the hell is the matter with you, Deku!?! Back then you would never say such a thing like that!!

Izuku: Just surrender now and I'll make your death as painless as can be.

Nighteye: I want to ask you a question, Midoriya!! What's the point of all this? What do you stand to gain from it? Why are you so determined... to destroy the earth?

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now