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Everyone was shocked seeing these people in uniforms, here to select the people who are worth to be called true humans.

Blonde man: Now… accept God's grace.

As they looked around and saw all the dead bodies on the ground, that once was filled with life now dead. One of the soldiers rushed up to them, but was attacked by the old man who was alive. The old man started to use his quirk against them, taking some of them down.

Old man: Arrogant little bastards… I may be old, but you're facing a former pro hero: Charybdis.

Everyone was shocked to hear that the old man is  Charybdis, a former pro hero who retired 2 years ago, who took 13th place. All of the soldiers rush up to him, as Charybdis uses his body as a shield to protect the students.

Charybdis: My family and friends… are all dead. I couldn't protect them. I don't wanna see anyone else die. I'm sick of death…

Blonde man: How touching, you are worth being called a true human. Join us.

Charybdis: Screw you.

Blonde man: Fine then, Die.

The students help Charybdis fight against the soldiers, seeing his determination to help them and not switching sides.

Bakugou: What type of heroes would let an old man fight against an army!

Soldier: Troops! Get ready for battle!!

Iida: Get as far back as you can.

Charybdis: No way, this is my fight as well.

Momo: The climate's, the environment's and even the people have changed.

Bakugou: Part of me is glad, if your mind had grown as much as your body… it might've been impossible to beat you… but you still act exactly the same way as before.

As they were attacking, suddenly a massive attack struck them and they saw it as one of those creatures that was with Izuku.

Bakugou: Who the living hell are you?!

Dragon: I am dragon, one of the disciples of the supreme god.

As dragon launches another attack against them, but quickly dodges it before it could hurt them. Then dragon changes his approach against them, palm striking them on their body's. Dragon was about to use his true power to destroy them, but was restrained by deer before he could.

Deer: Danger, danger!

Kendo: Huh?

Deer: Ryong! You tried to use your power again, didn't you? Have you already forgotten your promise?

Ryong bit off the top part of deer's body as well as the soldiers, gaining even more power than before.

Ryong: Skills will only take you so far when you're up against someone way more powerful than you. You've all so weak.

Everyone's changes less to slim, when Ryong transforms about to beat the living hell out of them. Suddenly a mirror appeared out of nowhere and sees Izuku on the other side of the mirror.

Izuku: There you are.

As Izuku grabs the first letter: mandala about to pierce them where they stand. As deer was regenerating himself after getting bitten by Ryong.

Deer: There's nowhere to hide from us to our master, now accept your fate humans.

Mysterious man: At coordinates 42225, in three seconds.

Pandora: You're sure, dean.

Dean: Now!

When mandala was about to pierce them, but was saved by Pandora and her quirk: Pandora.

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