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Asta: Huh? When did she...?

Blood stained his hand when he tried to lay down Robin. Only to see her spine and flesh on display for all to see.

Asta: Was it... then...?

Remembering how Robin grabbed him out of the way of Mandala's attack and realized that she took the hit for him.

Kota: Missus...?

Skycrawler: Hey... what's going on?

Ms. Joke: What's the matter?

Sirius: Is she hurt?

Manual: Really?

Robin: Kids... can you... come... here? As you know... in my world it is forbidden to learn the history of what happened 800 years ago. But the archaeologists of my homeland Ohara, didn't let that stop them from wanting to learn about the past. When I was eight years old, I aced an archaeology exam and was officially inducted as a scholar. Mostly because I wanted to be like my mother, I wanted to find out the true, unrecorded history of the world, but I was reproved by Clover who told me, I will get banned from the library if I continued to spy on the other scholars.

Asta: Even her organs... are seriously damaged...

Robin: Suddenly the World Government caught wind of what Ohara archaeologists were doing... They killed everyone on the island, even the child and women who had no connection with the archaeologists. All to perceive the mystery of the void century... I only escape merely on dumb luck as I watch my home consume in flames. I went to different people as the twenty years passed, all of whom tried to turn me in or kill me. It was like an endless nightmare making me almost lose my will to live, but one day it all ended. My crew saved me from my suffering, gave me a reason to keep on living.

Robin: Nothing is... useless in the world... Kota... if you die... there will be some who grieves for you... there's a reason... for my selfishness... and there's a reason why you were born. You're precious as you are... so never judge yourself based on your competence or usefulness. To you guys, we might seem insignificant. But when such insignificant people come together, they sometimes pull off significant things! So... can you not hate us too much?

Asta: I'm sorry... I'm really... sorry... if I... if I was... much... stronger...

Before Asta could say anything more, he felt Robin's hand on his cheek trying to comfort him.

Robin: I'm the one... who should apologize... don't say that. Are you afraid of Izuku... or Buddha...? It's ok... to be afraid. Fear... is the emotion... that you need the most right now... I... believe you're still alive because of fear. Nothing's useless, it all exists... because it's needed. Everything... is needed. Those people... cursed and blamed you just a few minutes ago. Those who blamed you are humans. And those who saved the children with you are also humans. They're all same humans. All insignificant humans. But sometimes, they're significant... you know something? The past few days... have been the bravest and wisest moments of my life...

Robin: Although I seem useless... I sometimes do useful things... The same goes for you... are you afraid? Do you want to run away... and cry? That's all part of you too. Not just the brave, great, and damn cool Asta... but the pathetic, lousy, and scared Asta is you too... so accept it. Those parts of you that you think are useless... they're still useful. If you can accept yourself the way you are... then just... do as you like... run away if you want... and hide if you want. Fight if you want. Stuff yourself with food if you want. And you can cry or laugh if you want. But... just do what you want to do... after facing your true self...

Asta: Thank you... thank you... so much...

Robin: You don't... have to thank me... I... don't deserve to be thanked... by you...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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