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As Izuku was meditating, as he was nearly done with his fusion with Buddha, Izuku tried to call Gaia the god of the earth.

Izuku: Now... Gaia, ancient one... answer my call...

Nana: You won't get away with this!

Izuku: Try and stop me, if you can?

Izuku opens his eyes and faces towards the people who he calls the worthy humans. As Izuku uses Nana's quirk to make him float upon the worthy humans and informs all of them about his plans.

Izuku: It's time for us to set out on a new journey. Those chosen for the journey are the new humans here. We have to start by completely overturning the land beneath us... Come, everyone... let's depart for the promised land in our new ark. And one more thing, I will show you what the government had hidden from the public's eyes.

After Izuku's speech, Kota and Eri were playing in the halls and suddenly both of them accidentally bumped into Izuku, as he kneeled down towards them.

Izuku: Are you two okay?

Kota: Yeah.

Izuku: And you Eri?

Eri: Yeah. Sorry for being noisy.

Izuku: It's okay. It's good that you're so energetic. How are your friends?

Kota: They're... settling in okay.

As Izuku patted Eri and Kota head's, as both of them felt so happy feeling his warmth of Izuku's hand on them. As he escorted them back to the other children who were playing with their quirks.

Izuku: I'm glad you all look like you're doing well.

Katsuma: Deku!!

Izuku: Hi there, Katsuma. How are you and your sister?

Katsuma: My sister and I are doing fine, deku.

Mahoro: As he said, we're doing just fine!

Izuku: That's good to hear.

Tamashiro: Huh? You know this guy?

Sho: He looks scary?!

Katsuma: He's not scary, he's a very good person.

Izuku: It's okay, Katsuma. It's okay if you all are scared of me, I really don't mind. If you can excuse me, I need to talk with some people if you don't mind?

Katsuma, Mahoro, Kota, and Eri: Okay, bye Deku.

As Izuku gives them a big grin and waves to them leaving them, as he checks upon the soldier and asks them about the selection process and the video about all the misdeeds that the hero public safety commission committed.

Izuku: Is everything in place?

Soldier: Yes, sir! On your command we shall show what the hero public safety commission had hidden from the public.

Izuku: You have my signal to broadcast it.

Soldier: Understood sir!

As the soldiers went and informed the people who were in charge of the broadcasting to play the video. Back in the underground bunker, as class 1-A were training with class 1-B. Suddenly all the TV's in the bunker turned on, everyone looked at the TV and saw all of the horrors that the hero public safety commission did as well as the heroes. Seeing them torture and killing the villain and people who they deemed as a threat or even getting a trial. As the civilians were enraged by the fact that they did this without their knowing. The soldier came back to Izuku and was informed that the broadcast had been a success.

Izuku: That's good, what about the selection process?

Soldier: We're finished disposing of about 4.27 billion people. Around a million people passed the selection process.

Izuku: Slow. Too slow. Three days... finish the selection in three days.

Soldier: Yes, sir!

As the soldier left the throne room, Izuku went and met Gaia, wanting to take Gaia's heart for himself to make his plans complete.

Izuku: Mother nature, ancient one, Gaia... I finally have the honor of meeting you...

Gaia: Who are you...? A god? Or... a human?

Izuku: A human.

Gaia: You're human yet you act like a god? How foolish... why... are you reaching out to me?

Izuku: The promised land... I need you to give me the power to create a new world for us.

Gaia: A human... speaking of perfection...? You're full of contradictions. And you dare to violate the power of the one who inherited my blood...?

Izuku: Your imperfection is your downfall. You, and the humans you gave power to... and... this is an order, not a request... I'm going to get what I want. No matter what it takes...

Gaia: No matter what...? So, you're trying to be a god...

Izuku reaches his hand out, trying to obtain Gaia's heart to be able to create the promised land, but Izuku was pulled back to the place where the one for all users where. As the users were chained up on chairs and wanted to know what Gaia said.

Yoichi: What did she say by, " violate the power of the one who inherited my blood?"

Izuku: That's easy, one of you is the direct descendant of Gaia herself. Thanks to you, I was able to contact her. So thank you very much, Nan Shimura.

Nana: What?!

Izuku: I the truth will be revealed soon so sit back watch. As I destroy the fake human that plagues the humanity once and for all.

Daigoro: Izuku!!

As Izuku leaves the place, as one for all users who were still wanting answers from him. Back in the underground bunker, nearly all the civilians demand to see the Public Safety Commission President.

Civilian 1: What the hell is the meaning of this?!

Commissioner: Please calm down!!

Civilian 2: Calm down! You think we'll listen to you, you kill people without giving them a fair trial!!

Civilian 3: Yeah what she said!! You kill people who you think are a threat!!

Commissioner: Please everyone, people calm down!!

Civilian 4: Bring her out! Bring out the Public Safety Commission President!!

Commissioner: Oh crap this is bad!

Commissioner 2: Madam president! Please, you're still injured!!

Safety president: I have to address the public! There's no chance of hiding it anymore!!

Civilian 5: There she is!!

Civilian 2: Is it true?! The video that was broadcast on TV, was it true?!

Safety president: Yes, it's true!!

The civilians: Huuu!!!

Safety president: It was suggested by the previous Public Safety Commission President, he believed it was the only way to get rid of unwanted danger to the world.

Civilian 6: Unwanted danger, you're causing the danger!! You're no better than the villains!!!

The civilians: Yeah!!!!

Safety president: Please everyone let me explain!

Civilian 4: Explain!! Explain about what!!

As the riot got louder and more violent than before, believing that the hero public safety commission were the ones who took the kids. Rioters started to use their quirks, which caused them to pinpoint their location to the enemy.

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now