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Back on the battlefield, the heroes couldn't even keep up with the disciples as they were about to hit their limits. Gang orca sends hypersonic waves towards monkey, but easily escapes it by rabbit using four letters: kaleidoscope.

Rabbit: Muhahaha, you owe me, monkey! Bamto!

As Monkey remained there saying nothing as he pointed at Rabbit's back with the first letter: mandala.

Monkey: It went right through.

As light passed through rabbit and pierced Miro, creating a small hole through his chest. Making him push back due to the shock that his quirk was not even able to block that attack. While Rabbit was pissed at Monkey and attacked him with her daggers for using her like that, as she.

Rabbit: Do you know how much I hate that?!

Miro: (No matter what's in front of him... he can pierce through anything he wants, huh? Even if it defies the law of inertia and physics?)

As mandala was aiming toward him, suddenly Kirishima got in front of Miro using his Red Riot Unbreakable to try to block mandala. But his effort was in vain as he had a deep slash in his arm cutting through his bone. As he yelled in pain barely attached to his body, everyone couldn't believe that one of Izuku's weapons could cause that much damage to a powerful defense quirk.

Bakugou: You bastards!!

Launching a massive explosion toward one of the disciples, but suddenly deer appears without any injury as the jade emperor's robe floats around him. The students know that the robe belongs to Jade Emperor and somehow he had it for some reason.

Deer: I wrote about that bloodstained fragment of the robe from when master killed the Jade Emperor in my book! Once I make something, over time, it gradually becomes mine.

Rabbit looks toward the four-letter: kaleidoscope as a stone crown that looks like the same one that Izuku was wearing.

Rabbit: Mirror, Mirror, on the wall. Who is the most beautiful yet hideous rabbit of all? Put me back to the way I was! Bamto!

As she and Deer start transforming, Rabbit changes into a sexy bunny outfit and a red-violet crop top. While deer's head into a gray-headed deer as they had a stone crown floating around their heads. The heroes were distracted by the new forms, Rabbit launched a surprise attack on the heroes killing some of them while severely injuring others.

Rabbit: Hahahahahaha that was your best! No wonder master got bored of you all so easily, you can't even put up a decent fight!! Here let me end your suffering once and for all!!!

Sirius: Damn you!!

Suddenly all of the pro heroes fell to their knees as blood trickled out of their ears and began to lose their vision. As deer start cackling at them how easily they have fallen.

Deer: I guess you all forgotten to strengthen your eardrums, huh?!

Ryong: Don't disgrace me anymore, black rabbit.

Rabbit: I told you you're not the only one who cares about honor! I'm so sick of seeing you always act so cocky!

Ryong: Rabbit...

Rabbit places her on Ryong's head as he starts to transform as well into a dragon and lets out a mighty roar shaking the ground.

Endeavor: There's not enough time to fight them all!

As the disciples unleash the full power of Izuku's weapons upon the heroes as destruction takes over the world. While that was happening nirvana nearly reached completion as people were dying each second. As the people were already saying goodbye to loved ones, knowing their time had come. While others scream for help from the heroes begging for salvation.

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