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Izuku: I can feel their death and suffering, why can't they just fucken die already.

Iida: Midoriya, please stop this, come back to us.

Izuku: Just shut the fuck up, I can hear all your thoughts pouring out. Uraraka you're thinking, 'If we couldn't have gotten here earlier we could have saved him!'

Which shocked Uraraka, as Izuku grabbed his head and started to say every thought they were thinking, which shocked them all. They didn't know what to do after hearing Izuku saying everything they were thinking.

Izuku: Humans are still my top priority. But humans as they are now aren't good enough. They have to evolve to the next level.

Kirishima: How can you say that knowing how many people will have to die for the next level?

Izuku: New wine in new wineskins... reforms always require some kind of sacrifice. Those who survive will be given a chance to evolve... I'm going to rebuild civilization... humanity needs a new set of teaching.

Bakugou: You call this rebuilding?!

Izuku: I'm changing everything... from habits and capabilities to our method of survival.. all the way down to the genetic level.

As parts of the city are getting lifted up to the sky and turning upside down. Making everyone fall to the ground, which enraged the classes for what he's doing to the civilians.

Todoroki: You!! You have no right to do that!!

Izuku: Rights aren't given, they're seized. I've got the power to seize the right for myself. You need to know where power is needed, and I've decided to use this power.

Everyone: Midoriya!!!

Kamakiri used his speed and quirk: razor sharp to tear through Izuku's body. After he did that, Izuku regenerated his body band as new. Iida kicked Izuku right in the face, as the other attacked Izuku leaving him no time to recover.

Izuku was back to the place where the other users of one for all are.

Daigoro: What the hell are you doing!!

Nana: This isn't what we wanted.

Yoichi: If you keep doing this, we won't lend our powers to you!!

Izuku: Shut up.

As all the users of one for all were chained up by Izuku, his eyes changed to red with a golden cross.

Second user: What the hell is the meaning of this, answer me!!

Izuku: That's easy, I'm going to use your powers if you like it or not. I'm going to change humanity once and for all.

Third user: You're mad, if we're going to lend you our powers!!

Izuku: Oh ya, just watch me, and one more thing my name is Izuku Midoriya. A man without limits, the ninth user of one for all, Goodbye.

One for all users: Midoriya!!!!

Back in the real world, as Izuku regains consciousness in the middle of the fight with class 1A and 1B.

Satan: What the hell are you doing? You summon the temple.

Everyone looks around and sees the building reforming into a temple. As they are distracted, Izuku launches towards bakugou into a wall. Bakugou opens his eyes and sees Izuku spread out one red wing like hawks, and a golden circle outline with five small white flames separated from each other on his back.

Bakugou: When are you gonna stop stooping so low, deku.

Izuku throws bakugou back towards the others, creating a fog of dust to blind everyone. After the dust cleared up, they witnessed 8 pillars around Izuku and a massive temple behind him.

Izuku: All my knowledge, power, and weapons.

Bakugou: Oh no you don't!!

Bakugou rushed towards Izuku, as the rest of the class followed behind him for support. As they were about to attack, one of the pillars opened revealing a weapon in it.

Izuku: The first letter: mandala. Pass.

Pointing the kunai at them, but Todoroki used his quirk to make an ice wall to block his attack. But the Izuku attack passed through Todoroki's ice and pierced his shoulder causing it to bleed.

Momo: Todoroki-san!!

Todoroki: I'm okay. But my ice didn't even get a scratch from that attack.

Awase: Like attack, pass the ice but how?

Shoda: The trick has to be with that weapon he has.

As they are discussing the weapon that Izuku is using, Izuku breaks the ice moving his hand across the air.

Izuku: What are you trying to do with quirk, have you forgotten I analyze your quirks better than anyone. I know the strengths and weaknesses of each one of your quirk, how much you can endure, how long you can use it. There is no way you can even touch me where you stand.

One of the pillars broke into four pieces, and four humanoid creatures came out and bowed down to Izuku like he's the master.

Monkey: We're your sheath and disciples. We've been waiting for you to come for 5.68 billion years.

Dragon: Here put on your robe.

Bakugou: Deku!!!

Bakugou rushes towards him but stops midway by the monkey protecting Izuku along with the rest. As Izuku robe finally formed, revealing as black cloth with crisscross gray lines, covering his hips and the left side of his body, golden rope wrap around his waist and his shoulder, and black zen-beaded necklace.

Izuku: You guys stay out of this. The second out of the eight letters: diamond sutra. Go away, agonies.

Taking the shape of a bell and ringing it, making a massive sound wave. Everyone covering their ears, but still agonizing in pain, threw the sound it's creating.

Jiro: Aaaaaah, my ears!

Tetsutetsu: My ears can't handle it anymore!!

Momo: Everyone, just hang on just a little bit more!!!

Blasting everyone over hundreds of feet backwards and still covering their ears. Don't know how much longer they can take this pain that Izuku is making. As soon as the noise stopped, they got back and decided to all rush up to him, so they could corner him.

Izuku: Reveal your true self.


Bell transforms into its vajra second phase making it bigger. After ringing it, almost everyone passed out and the surrounding buildings were destroyed, due to the attack. Kendo grabs some of her classmates before falling on the ground, after a few seconds everyone wakes up and sees their ears bleeding.

Kaibara: How the hell are we going to beat him?

Tsuburaba: He's like a god right now.

Sato: Do we even have a chance?

Iida: Don't give up! We have to try, if not this world will be destroyed!!

Kendo: Ya, you're right. If we let him win it's game over!!

Izuku: Stubborn to the very end.

Satan: It's you!!!

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now