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As the riot got out of control, suddenly Shoji sensed something in the tunnel using his Dupli-Arms to sense what it was. But couldn't hear anything from the loud rioters, and asked his classmates to quit down the rioters, while Jiro helped him sense what's in the tunnels. Bakugou used his explosion to get the attention of the rioters.

Bakugou: WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP!! Weird arms, what do you sense over there!!

Shoji: Something is com-!

Before Shoji could finish, an army of little rabbits came and attacked the people who were there. As everyone screamed and panicked, about how the enemy infiltrated the underground bunker.

Rabbit: Bamto!!

Uraraka: How did they find us?!

Tokoyami: They must have sensed the rioters' quirks when they got angry!

Iida: Everyone please stay calm!

Rabbit: Bamto!

As everyone rushes out, trying to escape but some of them are killed by Rabbit's clones. Some of the pro heroes try to stop them but some of the others run away like cowards. After they escaped only 68% of the people made it out alive while the others died.

Kaminari: Damn it! Damn it all!!

Iida: Never in my life have I felt so useless before.

Present mic: Come on, we need to get these civilians to safety.

Bakugou: So we can get targeted again!! I had enough of this bullshit!! I'm going to fight back!!

Stars and stripes: I couldn't have said it better than myself.

Sero: That's the number 1 hero from America Stars and Stripes!!

Momo: What is she doing here?!

Big Red Dot: That's easy, we're here to stop the villain who's causing this chaos once and for all!

Salaam: This isn't not just Japan who is fighting but the whole world is up against it!!

Stars and stripes: This villain is now up against the entire world and we will stop him and make him repent for his crimes!! Come on everyone, it's time to show this villain we are not going to back down and let him do what he wants so please lend us your strength so we will be able to go back to the peaceful day once again!!

After giving this speech, some of the pro heroes decided to fight against the enemies while some of them gave up and left with some of the civilians. All the pro heroes that were left come up with a plan to infiltrate the main floating temple to take down the leader of this chaos. Two and half days passed by, Izuku still trying to obtain Gaia's heart for the promised land that he's going to create.

Gaia: Why do you want my power so badly?! You don't even need it.

Izuku: Because you are... the heart of this world. I need your heart for my promised land.

As Izuku was still trying to grab her heart, as his clothes started to rip by Gaia's power from not letting Izuku to obtain her.

Gaia: Even Buddha failed to get my heart. How do you expect to do so?! You're too confident in yourself!

Izuku couldn't hold the pain that Gaia was giving him as he was about to pass out from the pain. Suddenly, Eri walked in and saw Izuku agonizing in pain as she ran up to Izuku grabbing his pants.

Eri: No! Don't lose! Don't lose!

Izuku: No it's dangerous, Eri get back!!

But ignores him as she starts using her quirk to help stop the pain that Gaia was causing him. Izuku and Gaia were shocked that Eri was using her quirk to help him bear through the pain.

Izuku: (I can't stop!)

Gaia: Is that child... The new child of mankind? Chapter one verse one on the appointed day. Beating his crimson wings... he shall bring a new child of mankind . A new wind with him... I see... the prophecy is coming true. Then I'll give it to you...

As Izuku finally grabs Gaia's heart and rips it out, finally able to create the promised land that he's been waiting for. As he changed his clothes, an orange Hawaiian dress-shirt that had flower patterns on it with black pants and shoes.

Izuku: This is it.. Gaia's heart. Now... Everything's ready.

Izuku kneels down hugging Eri very tightly and starts to cry, afraid that she might be hurt by Gaia's power.

Izuku: Are you feeling okay, Eri?

Eri: Yes?

Izuku: You had me so worried, please don't ever do that again? I don't know what to do if you get hurt?

Eri: I'm sorry, Deku?

Izuku: It's okay, as long as you're safe I will always protect you. Here, have this was a gift that my mother's gave me before she died, now I want you to have it, Eri. I don't know what happened to the cross but still I want you to have my necklace. Come on now, let's go.

Eri: Okay?

Izuku: How about I make you a candy apple, Eri?

Eri was overjoyed by Izuku asking her if she wants him to make a candy apple for her. She nodded excitedly, as Izuku grabbed her, holding her in his arms as Eri felt so warm in his arms. Suddenly, monkey appeared in front of them waiting for his next order.

Izuku: Everything's ready. Prepare the exodus. With the end of one era... comes the start of a new one...

After getting Eri a candy apple, he goes back to Gaia's heart and proceeds to finally create the promised land for the true humans of this world.

Izuku: A whole new humanity. A brand-new earth. Humanity's new home is ready. This is our new home. Now that we have Gaia's heart... the old world... will be gone soon.

Back on earth, the heroes suddenly look up towards the sky and see a small earth forming. As a purple beam trying to absorb the earth into itself, as the heroes know that they have to attack now before it's too late.

Bubble girl: I-is that earth devouring this place?

Nighteye: Let's go. It's time to save the world....

Back to Izuku and his four disciples behind.

Izuku: This is the dawn of a new era for humanity.

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now