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Asta: Real name. Ice.

One of Asta's Nyoibo turns into ice and thrusts it into the ground, freezing all the creatures around him. Next Asta grabs one of his other nyoibo as a fire starts to cover the weapon.

Asta: Real name. Flame.

Swing it, burning them severely, as 32nd thunder dragon nyoibo appears in front of the other creatures and electrodes them to death.

Asta: Goliath. Serpent. Ice pick. Rhino. Lizard. Moon Shadow.

Commanding the rest of the nyoibo to kill the remaining creatures, as Asta went after Mujin. Surprising Jin-Woo and Artoria by Asta's Nyoibo power.

Artoria: I knew it!

Jin-Woo: There's more than meets the eye about the kid...but he had his reasons!!

Asta: You need to get a damn beating up, Izuku.

Mujin: Are they the new weapons you got?! But it's all pointless.

Asta: (That's supposed to be a critical blow...but he blocked it this easily?!)

While that was happening the children were moderating the new world and the old world.

Eri: A new world will be completed soon...it's beautiful...

At the same time on every earth, people start having difficulty breathing. Coughing at the dense air there is barely keeping alive at all.

Sister lily: The air...is getting thinner...!

Shinobu: The world...will perish...we're all...going to die...

Now back to the fight between Mujin against Jin-Woo, Artoria, and Asta.

Artoria: (Unbelievable...it's just impossible to grasp how powerful Izuku is! He's not even at one hundred percent right now.)

Jin-Woo: (We must finish that guy before he gets to use his full power! For the sake of every earth!)

Asta: (If Izuku gets all his power back...our chance of winning is zero!!)

Mujin: Is that all you've got? The remains of old humanity.

Asta: Here I go! Izuku.

Mujin makes an Abhaya Mudra sign, as Nirvana begins to shake, causing everyone outside to know what's going on.

Bakugou: What in the world...is happening over there?

Best jeanist: Well? One thing's for sure...just getting close to that energy will crush us to death...!!

As the true battle was about to begin, the three charged at Mujin who looked unfazed by them.

Mujin: Come at me.

Asta was the first one to attack, swinging his Nyoibo at Mujin's face. Mujin planned a counterattack but was punched in the ribs by Jin-Woo. Then later getting punched in the guts by Artoria, as that was over Mujin grabbed his stomach. Mujin looks up and sees Nyoibo about to crash from above.

Asta: Get bigger, Nyoibo. Unleash-

Mujin: Too slow.

Mujin appears in front of Asta and Jin-Woo, having their palms close to their faces. The two tried to attack him but Mujin quickly dodged it and switched his arm direction. His left palm strikes Jin-Woo on the chin and his right palm strikes Asta on the stomach. Mujin turns to Jin-Woo moving his left arm and striking multiple times in the stomach. After that attack, Mujin places his hand above Jin-Woo's neck about to kill him.

Mujin: What, did you think you could beat me in close combat?

Artoria: Yeah!

Suddenly Artoria appears on the right side of Mujin about to cut him but Mujin swiftly dodges the attack. As Mujin was to counterattack her, Asta appears prepared to kick him. But Mujin moved back to dodge Asta's attack, then of a sudden Artoria was right behind him about to slice him. Acting quickly Mujin grabs Excalibur with his fingers.

Supreme god Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now