Chapter Thirty-Three

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(Ashton's POV)

"Loz, I love you.  You know I love you," Cassie sighed from the floor of Lauren's room where she was currently laying.  "But I swear to God, if you don't shut this music off, I'm going to kill you," she groaned, plugging her ears to block out the sound of the classical music that had been playing non-stop since I had arrived about two hours ago.

"Hey, personally I think this is nice," Calum chimed in shrugging his shoulders some.

"THANK YOU," Lauren yelled from inside her closet before popping her head outside the door, pointing over to him.  "This is why you're my new favorite."

"Hey," Cassie and I whined in unison, a pout forming on my lips.

"After you," Lauren corrected as a small giggled escaped her lips as she skipped over to my side, placing a few tender kisses all around my face causing me to break out in a shit eating grin.

"That's better," I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her lower waist and pulling her down onto my lap.  

"Excuse me, it's my birthday," Cassie pouted, crossing her arms as she stood from her place on the floor.

"Excuse me, but you know you're my number one," Lauren giggled, rolling her eyes in the process.

"Are you all ready now?"  I asked, giving her sides a small squeeze.  She nodded some before burying her face into the crook of my neck humming to the music that was still blaring through the speakers.

"Okay good," Cassie said, clapping her hands together and jumping up from her spot on the floor, helping Calum up from his spot as well.  "Let's get a move on then.  I don't want to be late for Michael and I's birthday party."

"Yeah, lets go," Lauren smiled, hopping off of my lap and running to the speaker system, finally shutting off the classical music.


(Lauren's POV)

"I still find it weird that you two have the exact same birthday," Luke chuckled from the beanbag that was perched in between Ben and Michael's chairs, pointing at Michael and Cassie.

"I still find it weird that neither of you actually wants to party," Calum mumbled, still baffled that Cassie had insisted on just hanging out for the night.

"Same," Ben nodded eagerly, taking a sip from his cup.  Cassie had told us that she wanted to do things differently this year and just sort of relax with this small group of friends we had formed instead of throwing another all out bash like she usually did.  Ben and I both knew it had to do with Calum, but she insisted that it was because she didn't want Michael to feel overshadowed on his special day.

"So what's on the movie listings for tonight, Clifford?" Ashton asked from beside me, wrapping his free arm around my lower waist.

"Well, I was thinking we watch a few classics to start us off and then work our way into modern day," Michael grinned, pulling out a pile of movies from the box in front of him.

Apparently the boys had a standing tradition on Michael's birthday every year.  They'd get together and have Michael pick out his top five favorite movies and do nothing but watch them and pig out for the entire day.  According to Ashton, nothing made Michael happier.

"First up, the breakfast club," Michael laughed as he held up the all too familiar DVD case.

"This is one of your favorite movies?" Cassie asked, shock written all over her face.

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