Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ashton’s POV

“Ashton!” my mother huffed, waving her hand frantically in front of my face.  Sitting up straighter in my seat, I let out a soft hum, still not fully awake, nor listening to anything she was saying.  “You need to be sure you put your scholarship funds right into the financial aid offices mailbox on your way to class on monday, okay?” 

“Yeah,” I nodded, putting the coffee cup to my lips and taking a long sip. 

Sighing loudly, she stood from her spot and took the cup away from me, placing her hand under my chin, forcing me to look directly at her.  “You have to do this if you plan on going to school in the spring.”

“I got it mom, thank you,” I groaned, shaking my head from her hand. 

“We also need to talk about me maybe getting that third job we discussed,” she said just above a whisper, getting my full attention.

“I thought we were all set?” I said, more as a question than a statement. 

“We were, but your sister has a big school trip coming up and your brother’s going to be starting hockey soon and they don’t give out free gear..” she paused for a moment, settling back down in her seat before continuing.  “I don’t want them missing out on things just because I can’t afford to pay for it.”

I shook my head and pulled the beanie off of my messy hair.  “I’ll pick up more hours at the diner and find something else that pays.  You’re not going to get a third job.”

“And you’re not going to get a second job while going to school full time either, Ashton Fletcher.  School first,” she scolding, wagging her finger at me.

“I’m getting a second job,” I muttered, situating the beanie back on my head.

“No, I’m getting a third job,” she countered, giving me a cold glare.

“Mom, for once, please just let me help out a little.  We need help.” I pleaded as I stood from my chair and threw my hands in the air in frustration.  We’ve had talks like this a million times, and to be honest, I was sick of them. 

She froze for a moment, giving me a look of pure shock before standing and yanking me into a tight, bone crushing hug.  “You, Ashton Fletcher Irwin, have helped me out more than any son should ever help their own mother.  And that’s why I need to you focus on your school and your friends and not worry about this stuff,” she said through obvious tears.

I instinctively wrapped my arms around her small frame as she let out a few more tears.  I knew this was hard for her.  I hated it.  Anyone that says money can’t buy happiness doesn’t understand the value of financial stability.  After a few seconds of standing in that position, she slowly pulled away, drying her eyes in the process.

“Look at me,” she scoffed giving me a soft smile, “I’m so emotional..”  Taking a moment to compose herself further, she took a deep breath.  “What are the plans for today?”

Knowing I shouldn’t push this conversation any further, I gave her a weak smile as I shifted back and forth on my feet, trying to think of anything to do besides standing here in this kitchen.  “I think I’m going to hang out with the guys.” 

“Are you guys planning on going anywhere fun?”

“No,” I shrugged, pulling out my phone and texting Michael a quick message to come get me, hoping he wasn’t busy.  “We’ll probably just walk around in the city for a while.”

“Just be safe,” she said, giving me a small side hug.  “I’m going into work at the hospital.  Your siblings are gone for the night, so you’re free to do whatever you want as long as it’s legal,” she gave me a serious look before walking out of the kitchen and back towards her room.

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