Chapter Two

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Turning around, there before me was none other than Ashton Irwin and his personal band of brothers. “Ashton…” I greeted, the displeasure in my voice was just as obvious as his, “boys.”

“Lauren,” The three boys behind Ashton chimed in all at once, nodding in acknowledgement, the stare down between Ashton and I raging on, the other boys a thought long gone from my mind. Moments passed without a word said between the five of us, the tension slowly building with each second that passed.

“Well, it was a pleasure as always, but some of us are almost late for class and would rather not be.” With one last glance at the boys before me, I turned, huffing as I went, striding towards the building I desperately needed to be in.

“You, late? Now, that doesn’t sound right?” Ashton commented from right behind me, easily catching up to me, his legs being much longer than mine, as I sped down the hall. “Are you finally starting to rebel, princess?” I scoffed at the nickname he so affectionately gave me years ago due to my family’s status.

“No.  It’s none of your business why I’m late, Irwin.” I said in one of my rudest tones, briefly looking at the boy beside me, “Why are you following me, get lost.”

“You’re not the only one who goes to school here, the rest of us commoners deserve education too you know.” Ignoring him, I did my best to forged on towards my classroom.

223… 225… 227. Stopping in front of the door and reaching for the handle, I paused noticing that Ashton was still behind me, “Well, are you gonna go to your class or not?”

“I would if you would just enter the room already.” My jaw dropped, Turning fully towards him, my annoyance had just about reached an all time high.

“You can’t be in this class!”

“I can.. And I am? Now, just go in there before we’re both late!” He practically shouted, edging closer towards the door. Letting out a harsh sign, I turned, used all my strength to push the large wooden door open, entering the classroom.

Searching for a seat was certainly a challenge, not only was I late, but this class was packed and seats were scarce.  Finally finding one, a nice spot in the middle of the class, I went to grab it as quickly as I could as the professor entered the class as well. Situating myself, I turned towards my bag grabbing my notebook and pen. Once I was turned back around, facing the front of the room, I noticed another body in the once empty seat beside me. Ashton.

Sighing in aggravation, I did my best to ignore the boy beside me as our professor started to speak, “Alright, first things first, to avoid arguments because, lets face it, you’re all just overgrown children, the seats you’re in now will be your seats for the semester—“ 

“Well, look at that princess, seems like we’re gonna really get to know each other this semester!” Ashton whispered in my ear, slapping my back and making me jolt forward harshly. My jaw dropped once again at the announcement that was just made.

Someone kill me now.


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