Chapter Forty-Three

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Okay before you get into this chapter, I just need to apologize up front for being so MIA for the past couple of months when it comes to this story.  I really lost my motivation and school was a big thing.. Theres a lot of excuses but regardless, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.  Thank you for sticking with us, and still commenting even if we've been inactive.

Now onto the story...


Ashton's POV

"Are you almost ready? The girls are going to be here any minute," Calum huffed from his spot in front of the mirror, adjusting his bow for the fifth time in thirty minutes.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just going to take a quick smoke break before they get here. Want one?" I questioned, flashing him the pack of cigarettes in my coat pocket.

He hesitated for a moment before quickly shaking his head. "Nah, I promised Cassie I'd quit," he shrugged, only furthering his explaination when he saw my confused look. Cassie never mentioned anything about smokers being a problem. "She read how toxic it can be for a pregnant women and the baby so I just gave it up."

"Just gave it up?" I mimicked, as if it were that easy.

"Yeah, I mean when you have a family to take care of, you don't really have another choice."

His words resonated in my head as I stepped out onto the back porch. I already knew what it was like to give something up for the sake of family. It's all I'd ever done since Lauren and Harry came into my world. Pushing the thoughts out of my head I brought the cigarette up to my lips and took a small drag, already feeling myself relax.

"Hey," I heard Luke mutter as he stepped into my peripheral view. I nodded as the smoke fell from my lips once again. "Are you all good?"

"I'm fine," I sighed, finally turning to look at him.

"The bags under your eyes and the constant scowl don't really back up that statement," he stated, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at me.

"Look, what do you want me to say? I lost my scholarship to NYU and I'm about to lose everything I've worked towards for the past three years.. Sorry I haven't been up to par," I growled, sick of having the same conversation over and over again.

"Have you even told Lauren?" he questioned, his eyes still focused on my every move.



"She doesn't need to know," I shrugged, flicking my cigarette to the ground and grinding it into the dirt with the toe of my shoe.

"I'm pretty sure she deserves to know more than anyone else."

"Why's that?" I laughed, glancing over my shoulder as I made my way back inside.

"Oh I don't know, because she's your girlfriend and you should be able to tell her these things," he scoffed, throwing his hands in the air in astonishment.

"So she can worry about me and pity me? No thanks," I spat, feeling my face flush with anger.

"Why do you always assume she'll pity you?" Calum added, turning the corner and coming into view. "Lauren's pretty understanding, and to be honest she'd probably just want to help."

I groaned, running my hand over my face, glaring at both of them. "I don't want help."

"You never want help," Luke sighed.

"I've got it covered anyways," I said, straightening up right and nodding some. "I work two jobs and I'll start going to school part time.."


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