Chapter Fourteen

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(Ashton’s POV)

            Hours had gone by in my room and there, surprisingly, weren’t any more awkward silences between the two of us as we actually got some of our project done. Not that I would ever admit it to anyone, but Lauren was actually really fun to talk to.

            “But, what you need to understand is, as well as being one of Australia’s greatest achievements, AC/DC is, probably, one of the greatest bands to ever come into existence!”

            “Now, I understand what you’re saying, but, just hear me out… What about Taylor Swift?” I swear, if looks could kill, Lauren would be six feet under by now. We had gotten to the stage in our project where we decided to discuss musicians who had truly shaped music and made it what it is today.

            “You’ve got to be kidding right? TAYLOR SWIFT?!” Shaking my head and laughing, I tried to understand how Lauren could even suggest such a thing. When my gaze finally found it’s way back to her, the look she was shooting my way was one of confusion and, if I didn’t know better, offence.

            “Yes, and your point is?... She writes and co-writes all of her songs, she’s true to herself, she’s such a role model for all of her fans, all of her albums have been hugely successful, and, not to mention, she’s flawless as hell.” 

            “Well, that says a lot for someone who only writes songs about her ex boy—“

            “OH NO YOU FUCKING DON’T!” And from there, Lauren went on about how only a quarter of all the her songs, THAT WE KNOW OF, were about ex-boyfriends. I had to give it to her she was dedicated as hell.

            “ASHTON! I’M HOME!” I jumped at the sound of my mom’s voice and the sound of the front door being closed. She’s home already? Looking at the clock, it was already quarter of eleven.

            “Oh, wow, I didn’t realize how late it was! I guess I should go now…” Lauren mumbled as she began packing up her things. “Thanks again for having me over tonight, this was really great.”

            “Yea, of course, let me grab my coat.” Grabbing my sweatshirt off of the chair, I slid into it easily, looking at Lauren as she shot me a pleasantly surprised look, “What? Did you really think I was going to let you find your way home by yourself? You barely made it here with my help.”

            Heading down the stairs together and towards the door, we were met in the middle with my mom as she pulled her own coat off, definitely thrown off by Lauren standing next to me, “Oh, hi there, I didn’t expect Ashton to have someone over! I’m Anne!”

            “Oh, hello, Mrs. Irwin, I’m Lauren.” As they shook hands and mom insisted that she call her Anne, I couldn’t take my eyes off of Lauren. If you had told me two weeks ago that I would be on speaking terms with her, I would have laughed in your face. But now, standing here, it all feels… right?

Rhythm || Ashton Irwinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن