Chapter One

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“Cass, I need to be at school in twenty minutes and with this traffic, it’s near impossible,” I grumble, tapping my foot impatiently.

“Will you just relax?  Why does it even matter if you’re late?  It’s your first day back anyways.  Just say you got lost or something,” Cassie shrugs from beside me. 

She’s way too calm for her own good and it seriously bothers me.  I chew on one of my fingernails, praying for a miracle.  I knew it was a bad idea to spend the last night before school with Cassie, but she insisted.

“Hey, maybe this will be the year you go for the bad girl streak.  Always late, partying all night long, hooking up with boys you barely know,” she giggles while wiggling her eyebrows at me.  “This could be the start of a new Lauren.”

I let out a breathy laugh while shaking my head.  She knows more than anyone that that side of me doesn’t exist.  I’ve never been one to do any of those things, unless of course Cassie somehow talks me into it.  “I think that spots already filled in this friendship,” I say shooting her a look.

“Truer shit has never been said, my friend,” she grins while bobbing her head to the music.

I always find it funny that Cassie and I are so close.  We’re so opposite of each other, but maybe that’s why this friendship works so well.  She’s the carefree one who’s known for doing things last minute without a second thought, whereas I’m the type of person who spends at least an hour picking out an outfit just to change it right before I leave the house. 

I glance down at my watch and let out an impatient sigh.  I have ten minutes.  “Cass,” I whine, fidgeting in my seat.  This is literally torture. 

“Relax Lauren, for the love of God we are two seconds away,” she huffs while rolling her eyes.  She pulls into campus and I let out a sigh of relief.  “Where’s your first class?”

“Steinhardt, take a left up here and-“

“I know where it is,” she cuts me off, taking an immediate left.  “Just because I don’t go here as a student, doesn’t mean I don’t spend just as much time here as you,” she smiles before stopping in front of the large brick building.

I grab my bag off the floor of the car and fix the bun on the top of my head.  “How do I look?”

“Like you belong here,” she gives me a wide grin before engulfing me in a hug, which I happily accept.  “Go show those bitches in tutus that you’re the best.” 

“They’re not all bitches,” I giggle before opening the door and stepping out of the car.  “Plus I don’t have dance until the afternoon.  I have,” I look down at my schedule for this semester, “Music Theory,” I say letting out a disappointing sigh.  I hate core classes.  This has nothing to do with dance. 

“Maybe it’ll be fun?” Cass says, more as a question than a statement.  “Now go get in there, you’re going to be late,” she says blowing me a kiss and shooing me away.  “ILL MISS YOU,” she yells as I walk away from her white range rover.  “MAKE ME PROUD, TUTU.” 

I feel my face heat up as I hear her yelling to me.  I can see people giving me a strange look and then glancing over at the car where Cassandra sits with a smug look on her face.  I give her the finger and stick my tongue out at her. 

“Tutu huh?” I hear a rough voice say from beside me followed by a group of chuckles.  Fantastic.


I'm really excited to start this story oh my god.  Simone and I are going to be working on this together and combined, I think we have the potential to make a story of a lifetime.  As always, it's the first chapter, so you can't really expect there to be anything super interesting, but it is important to see the charachters in action.  Anyways, please vote, comment, and do whatever else you'd like.  You're awesome and I love you, okay bye.

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