Chapter Three

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“Now most of you are probably wondering why you’re in this class to begin with.  I’ve heard it from previous students with many different majors.  ‘What is music theory and why do I need it?’” my professor spoke from the front of the class, only tearing his gaze away from us to write Music Theory in sloppy penmanship on the board.  I sat back in my seat, trying my best to get comfortable in the wooden chair I was currently in. 

“Do you need a pillow for your ass, princess?” Ashton whispered from beside me.  I sighed loudly and didn’t bother looking up from my notes, writing down everything the professor was saying. 

“I mean, I get it, it’s boney, not every girl is blessed with fake boobs and a nice ass,” he shrugged while leaning back in his seat and stretching out his long legs, kicking the seat in front of him. 

“My boobs aren’t fake,” I whispered harshly in his direction, finally making eye contact with him.

“Excuse me, Miss. Chandler is it?” my professor boomed from the front, causing me to snap my head in his direction.  “I’m not quite sure what you and Mr. Irwin are discussing, but it better be about your definitions of music theory,” he said in a threatening tone.

“Actually Professor, Lauren here was informing me that-“ and just like that my elbow connected with Ashton’s ribcage, making him let out a large ‘oof’ noise.

“I was trying to tell him about your office hours, sir.  See, Ashton here needs some special help, if you know what I mean,” I smiled sweetly while patting Ashton’s knee and giving the professor a sweet smile.  I could feel Ashton’s eyes burning into the side of my head but I ignored it as best I could.

“Well, since you’ve brought it up, my office hours are listed in the syllabus if anyone is interested, next time just raise your hand,” he said giving us a small glare before continuing on with his previous lecture.

Ashton abruptly shoved my hand off of his knee the second the professor looked away and gave me a cold glare.  “You are the most annoying person I have ever met.”

“And you’re the biggest ass I’ve ever laid my eyes on.  Looks like we’re both suffering here,” I mumbled, hunching forward to write the latest notes that had formed on the board.

“By the end of this semester you should all be able to walk away knowing what music theory is and what it means to you.”  My professor paused for a moment and glanced down at his watch.  “How late do I have you today?” he said looking around the room for someone to speak up.

“We get out at one,” I heard someone mumble from the back.

“Ah, good a few more minutes to discuss the assignments that will compose most of your grade!” he clapped while turning to grab for more chalk.  There will be four assignments that make up your grade, fail one and the highest you can receive is a C in this class, do I make myself clear?”  Everyone nodded, panic written on most of our faces.

Glancing over at Ashton, I saw him frantically writing down what my professor was saying, underlining some of his messy handwriting.  Even I had to admit, as rude as he was, Ashton Irwin was very attractive.  Which is why it’s not hard to believe that every girl in the school turned to look his way when he walked by, it was just a force of habit. 

There were a select amount of things that I knew about him.  He had that personality that told you, you weren't going to know what he didn't want to share.  I knew he was a junior and wanted to be a music education major, which always made me laugh considering how rude he was to everyone.  I knew he liked a good party and would be found with his three friends at any social event that involved alcohol.  And he had that look in his eyes that made you wonder exactly what he’s seen in this world. 

“It seems I’ve run out of time,” my professor sighed as he heard shuffling of bags from around him, pulling me out of my own trance.  “I’ll see you all on Wednesday,” and with that, people began filing out the doors. 

I pulled open my bag and slid my notebook and pencil into their rightful places and grabbed my phone from it’s pocket before throwing my bag over my shoulder. 

“Oh my god, you take forever,” I heard Ashton huff from beside me as he shifted his weight to his opposite foot.  I hadn’t realized he was still here, or that I was blocking him from exiting. 

“Will you give me two seconds?  Class just got out,” I rolled my eyes at him and walked swiftly towards the door.  I had dance in fifteen minutes on the fourth floor and I still had to change. 

“Mr. Irwin, Ms. Chandler, a word?” my professor beckoned, causing both Ashton and I to glance at each other, shuffling towards him.  “Now I’m not sure what was going on today that was so interesting to the two of you, but I’d appreciate a little attention in my class otherwise you’ll both be seeing me again next semester when you fail.”

I felt the lump in my throat grow as I nodded at his words.

“Are you two aware of the consequences of failing a course here at NYU under such a strict program?” he said glancing between the two of us.  “Especially for you Mr. Irwin, are you aware of what that would mean for your scholarship?”  My head shot up at those words, looking at Ashton with confusion.  He’s here on scholarship? 

Ashton’s jaw clenched together and his hands gripped the straps of his backpack tightly, making his knuckles turn white.  “I’m aware.”  He said harshly, giving me a cold glare.  “I wont talk to Lauren again.”

“Oh no no no,” my professor chuckled while shaking my head.  “You have to talk to her.”  We shared the same blank expression as we watched him reach into his bag and pull out two pieces of paper, handing us each a copy.  “I’m interested in the two of you, see, you,” he points to Ashton, “have a passion for drums which means you live for the beat.  And you,” he said directing his attention to me, “You’re here for dance, and what I’ve heard about you, you’re not one to be looked over.  You too live for the beat,” he smirked, glancing at Ashton before continuing.  “Don’t think I haven’t done my research on my students.  You two have two completely different ways of connecting to the same thing.  That’s what brings people together.  Some may even say it’s the route to Musical Theory, wouldn’t you say?”  I blinked a few times, trying desperately to wrap my head around what my professor was saying.

“So what are you getting at?” Ashton mumbled, looking at my professor and glancing over at me.  I gave him a small shrug, signaling I was just as lost as he was. 

“You two have all semester to figure out just how alike drums and dancing are through music,” he motioned towards the paper.  “I expect you two to work together to come up with your own theory on what connects the different musical arts together, starting with your specialties.  How you get your answers are up to you, but I expect a full report by the end of this semester.”  And with that, he was out the door leaving me still slightly confused.

“I swear you are my personal bad luck charm,” Ashton grumbled, shoving past me and out the door.


oh my god Simone and I have so many ideas for this story and it's already giving us so many emotions.  I can't handle this.  I'm so excited.  Please vote, comment, and do all that good stuff!  You guys are awesome.

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