Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Lauren’s POV)

            Sitting in the small coffee shop, I sipped on my latte, Ashton sitting across from me in silence, as I took in everything around me. It was a cozy place, open and warm from the small fireplace roaring a few feet away from us.

            Coughing in front of me, I turned my attention back to Ashton, realizing he must have asked me a question, “What?... Sorry, I was just looking around. This place is really nice!”

            “Yea, It’s busy more often then not, and the staff can be rude for the most part, but it’s quite and out of the way. It’s nice when you need to get away for a little while.” I nodded, thumbing the rim of my coffee cup, avoiding Ashton’s gaze. “So, again, sorry about yesterday afternoon,”

            “Don’t worry about it! Ben can be a little protective of me. Cassie too, but she can hold her own for the most part.”

            “What… No, Ben didn’t, like, intimidate me or anything, I was just, uh…” He stuttered, now avoiding eye contact like I had.

            “Yea, sure, and I’m sure that barista over there genuinely enjoys the tourist season.” I giggled, Ashton chuckling himself as he looked up at me.

            “Alright, so he was a little intimidating, I mean, he’d be a shit friend if he didn’t try and protect you.” Humming, we both took another sip of our drinks, silence quickly taking over the conversation again. Checking my phone to see the time, it had only been a few minutes since we had arrived at the shop in the first place.

God, this is painful. I thought, now fiddling with the hem of my cardigan sleeve. Ashton shifted in his seat as well, taking in a sharp breath before speaking, “So…. Do you just do ballet, or…?”

“Uh, no. I’m also into contemporary. The two kind of go hand in hand, technique wise. But I do tend to spend more time practicing ballet.”

“Ah, cool!” a quick nod and Ashton was quiet once again. There was an obvious elephant in the room and it looked like I had to be the one to start the discussion.

“So, are you just going to pretend like that fight didn’t happen so we don’t have to actually talk about it?” I blurted, throwing my hand to the side, annoyance clear in my mannerisms.

Setting his cup back on the table, eyes wide and a purse on his lips, he slowly nodded looking back up to me, “Yea, that was kind of the plan.”

“Unbelievable,” I huffed as I grabbed my bag from my chair, starting to stand; I was stopped by Ashton placing his hand on mine that was still situated on the table.

“Lauren, wait! I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant to say—“

“Then what did you mean to say?” I challenged, still standing, ready to leave at any moment.

“I just… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or say around you!” There was a look of panic in his eyes, pleading for me to stay. Sighing, I slowly sat back in my seat, taking my hand back from his.

 “You’re just so complicated to me. I’ve never in my life had difficulties with a girl like I have with you. One minute I hate you and the next I…” stopping himself, he looked away from me and back to the table, sighing to himself, “I meant it when I said I didn’t want to go back to what we were—“

“Then we won’t, but, Ashton, you need to realize that this is a two way street. I’m ready to make this work, I really am. I don’t want to have anymore of these awkward conversations with you every other day,” sighing myself, hands clasped together and gaze set on him, I slowly built up the courage for what I was about to say, “I just need to know… Are you with me or not?”

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