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Hey everyone, before you FINALLY read this chapter, I just want to apologize. I know this has taken forever and a day to come out, and I have no one to blame but myself. With writers block, life and just a shit storm of negative energy, I lost the spark that kept me going to write this fic, and I'm so sorry you all had to suffer because of that. That being said, heres the next chapter of Rhythm! I hope you all love it, and I hope you'll continue to read and follow this story, cause we at this blog love it SO MUCH and hope you do to! Thank you for understanding and being patient, we couldn't be more thankful for the people who support this story!

Chapter Fifty:

Lauren's POV

There are 65 tiles on the ceiling in my hospital room, and I know that because I've probably counted them just as many times trying to forget about the fact that I was even here. More importantly, I was trying to forget the fact that I had just completely ruined my life.

When I woke up just hours ago, my attending nurse told I that I had torn my ACL due to the harsh landing from my last jump and that I would have to have surgery to repair my torn ligament. In other words, it could be a year before I could attempt dancing again. If I ever danced again.

"I understand that only family is allowed in, but her parents are out of the country and I'm BASICALLY her sister, so if you could just let me through—"

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but 'basically' doesn't really cut it in these situations. Unless you're related by blood or marriage, I can't let you through," I could hear Cassie argue with the nurse from outside the door. I knew she'd want to get in, but I told the nurse to make sure no one came through; I can't bring myself to look at anyone right now.

"She's the godmother to my unborn children, surly that's enough?" Cassie was starting to get mad now, clearly trying to hold back her anger, and I could hear Calum try to soothe her, reasoning with her on the nurse's behalf.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Blake, even if I could let you in, Ms. Chandler's asked for privacy in order to rest—"

"THAT'S BULLSHIT LET ME IN!" I can only assume Calum dragged her off at that point, knowing well that she wouldn't give up that easy. It was an hour or two (I wasn't really sure, I resorted to counting the holes in the ceiling tiles at this point) before I even heard another voice near my room.

"Lauren," looking down from the ceiling and to the door, I could see the nurse poke her head through the small opening, her voice quiet and facial expression soft, "I know you asked for no visitors, but I do have a family member here for you," I raised my eyebrow confused, and before I could tell her to send them away, my sister walked through the door, despite the nurses attempts to keep my room private.

"Lauren, oh my god, are you alright?" Noelle cried, rushing to my side, holding my hand and sitting in the empty chair next to my bed, all the while looking at my leg, bruises littered my skin and my knee swelled up like a balloon by this point, shock all over her face as took in the severity of my accident, "Does it hurt?"

"I tore my ACL, of course it hurts," I blurted, rolling my eyes in frustration, "but they've got killer drugs here and they're fitting me in for surgery, so I guess it's not as bad as it could be."

"Well, it's nice to know that this didn't affect your brain function, you're still a little shit like always," she laughed, trying to keep the mood light, but I couldn't help but notice the concern in her voice, the room quiet for a few moments, "I should have been there, I could have helped..." her voice broke, a single tear rolling down her cheek, "I should have been a better sister."

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