Chapter Twelve

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(Lauren’s POV)

            I silently watched as Calum packed the bong next to me. If you had asked me at the beginning of the night where I thought I would end up, it certainly wasn’t here. Looking across the coffee table, I noticed Ashton wasn’t there and my head shot up as I started searching for him.

            “Lauren, are you alright?” Calum whispered next to me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

            “Uh, yea, just… just looking around I guess.” I stammered, I didn’t want anyone to know I was looking for Ashton, especially not his best friends. Then, just as I was about to give up, Ashton walked through the foyer with, what I’m guessing was, a new drink. Two, to be exact. Walking towards the table, he stood by my side offering me one of the iconic red solo cups.

            “I didn’t know what you like, so, I got you some water…” he hesitantly looked me in the eyes as I grabbed the cup from him, “But I can get you something else if you want?
            “No, that’s fine.. This is good. Thank you.” I nodded, shifting my eyes from his gaze as he nodded and went to sit on the other side of the table between Michael and Luke, who was clinging onto Calum for dear life.

“Luke, back off bro!” Calum sighed, pushing the clearly intoxicated blonde to the side as he shooshed him and whispered drunken things into his ear.

Taking slow sips of my water, I was staring blankly towards the other side of the room when I felt a light tap on my arm. Looking up, it was Calum again, this time holding up the bong and a lighter, wordlessly asking if I wanted a hit as he himself blew out some smoke.

            “Oh, yea, thank you.” Setting down my cup, I grabbed the items and took a long hit. Closing my eyes, I pulled away, letting the smoke fill my lungs and letting it out slowly. When I finally opened my eyes again, all four boys were looking at me, shock clear on their faces, “What?”

            “I didn’t know you smoked, Lauren?” Michael questioned as I passed the bong to him, to which he took without hesitation.

            “Yea, well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Looking around the table, the boys nodded in understanding. Once again, my eyes landed on Ashton, the look in his eyes was something that I couldn’t quite pin point, but it was something along the lines of sympathy. He looked like he was about to say something when there was a brash noise from beside me that caught my attention.

            “LOZ! THERE YOU ARE!” Cassie screamed as she came over to the couch, falling on top of me in attempt of what I could only assume was a hug. “We lost you! Ben and I won beer pong! And, and then me went to, uhm, to take some shots in celebration and YOU WERE GONE!… Oh look, a bong!”

            “Looks like we’re not the only one who has an over intoxicated friend tonight.” Calum joked as he lightly elbowed me in the ribs.

            “Hey baby, what kind of grinder are you using? Cause you’re lookin’ extra fine!” Putting my face in my hands, I let out a long groan at Cassie’s horrible pickup line. Calum, on the other hand, seemed to find it funny.

            “Girl, I don’t need a lighter cause you’re already on fire.” Both of them began laughing, looking at each other in a way that I definitely did not want to be in the middle of.

            “Alright, alright, Cass, honey, pay attention to me, how many shots did you and Ben have? And where is Ben?” I didn’t put it past her to drink, she always did, but now the issue was finding Ben.

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