Chapter Twenty

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(Lauren’s POV)

            Confusion in my eyes, I looked between the two boys in front of me. Ben, with a smirk spread across his face, and Ashton, who looked like he was ready to kill Ben, both looked right back at me. “So… Why are you here, Ashton?” Ben was here to bring me home, but Ashton was certainly a surprise.

            “I was, uh, on my way home actually… Somehow I found myself here instead,” laughing awkwardly, Ashton put his hands in his pockets, kicking imaginary dirt and avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. “You—You’re really good…”

            “Th-thank you?” I stuttered. This is so awkward… Looking from him to Ben, I shot him a look, begging for him to do something to help this situation. Laughing at me, Ben was quick to throw his hand over Ashton’s shoulder, bringing him in for a side hug, which, for him, seemed very out of character.

            “WELL, this has be sufficiently awkward for everyone here, so, if you’ll excuse us, Lauren and I are going to make our speedy get away now. It was great to finally talk to you! C’mon Lauren, we’ve got places to be, people to see!” And like that, Ben was out of the room and making his way down the hall as I pulled my bag over my shoulder.

            Walking to out the door, Ashton was close behind as I turned to look at him, a small smile forming on my face. “So, I’ll see you around?”

            “Yea! Have a good weekend Lauren!” with a wave and a nod, Ashton began walking the other way, not looking back once. Almost immediately, a hand plopped down on my shoulder, making me jump as Ben began laughing in my ear.

            “Stop laughing! That was so fucking awkward!” I swiftly backhanded Ben’s stomach, making him double over at impact, “What was that even about? Why were you being so touchy with him?”

            “Touchy?! What the hell are you talking about?” Looking away, he began walking, me on his heels. Then, before I could say anything, “Shhh, you’re going crazy. Now we got to go, Cass is freaking out about something.” Snorting and rolling my eyes, I exited the building walking towards Ben’s car.

            “When is she not? Cassie is perpetually in some state of ‘Freaking out’.” Pursing his lips and shrugging his shoulders, Ben could only agree with me as we got into his car and made our way through the city to Cassie’s building. Pulling up to the curb, we immediately see our excitable friend run out of the house, jumping up and down.

            “I think we can still drive away, the doors are still locked… We have time!” Ben laughed next to me as I shot him a glare.

            “No, OBVIOUSLY this is really important, and she’ll be pissed if we did that to her. I mean, look how cute she is right now!” Stepping out of the car I was pulled straight into one of her bone crushing hugs as she continued to jump up and down, “Alright, alright, Cass! What’s up, why are you freaking out?!”

            “HE ASKED ME OUT!” Letting go of me she continued to jump up and down, flailing her arms in the process, “HE ASKED ME OUT AND HE WON’T TELL ME WHAT WE’RE DOING AND, AND THIS IS LIKE THE STUFF MOVIES ARE MADE OF LAUREN! I AM SO HAPPY!”

Rhythm || Ashton IrwinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt