Chapter 2- Home is Where Family is

690 15 3

Words: 1500
Warnings: None

As soon as Thor entered the gates of the palace he saw you running at him hugging him tightly, silently thanking the gods he's alive.

"Oh thank the nine realms you're alive!" I beamed happily at my father whom I just tackled to the floor

"Hey princess, I missed you too" he replied

I let go of him, then I noticed my uncle in cuffs and a silencer, I knew what he did was wrong, and the he should be thankful he was defeated, but it still hurt to see a part of your family being treated like criminals, so I let go of my father's side, and went to my uncle and hugged him, as I tearfully whispered.

"It's okay, you're gonna be ok , I promise " I whispered  as a tear slipped my eye.

As I let go of him the guards strode with him to the dungeons while my father hugged me.

"I missed you Father" I mumbled into his chest.

" I missed you too flower" replied my father as we made our way towards the throne room to dine.

While back on earth unknowingly an avenger got suspicious
"So no one thinks it suspicious that point break is a gonna be gone for a long time?" Said Tony

"What do you mean " said Natasha

"I get he has "royal" duties but a couple of weeks? That's excessive, AND kinda suspicious don't you think ?" He replied to Natasha's confusion

"Now that you mention it, it is kind of suspicious "replied Clint

"See Legolas agrees with me" Tony said defensively

"Don't you think it's non of our business Tony?" Said Steve

"Yeah yeah whatever cap" Tony waved Steve off

"Wait didn't he say he has a coronation to tended to?" Said Bruce

"Yeah but who's?" Replied Nat

"Well it's definitely not grease hair ,nor is it point break so who is it ?" Said Tony as Clint silently laughed the nicknames off.

"Maybe we should stay out of it, and when Thor comes back if he feels comfortable he'll tell us himself?"

"Yeah right Tony is curious and won't don't anything about it? I won't believe it till I see it " said Natasha

"Yeah I don't think you'll ever see that day come" Said Tony with a scoff

A moment of silence passed where everyone started wondering If the arrogant genius actually dropped the subject, but that didn't last long.

"AVENGERS" he shouted

"No need to yell we are all here " said Bruce, as Natasha rolled her eyes

"Right , Avengers go pack your bags we're going on a field trip"

"Where to?" Said cap

"Asgard" He said while smirking

"You are unbelievable" muttered  Steve, as everyone scattered to their rooms to pack knowing they aren't getting out of this.

As for the meanwhile in Asgard y/n was sitting in the kitchen, cursing the day she was born into royalty.  

As I was in the kitchen listing to the cooks going on and on about my coronation night's feast my father was preparing the throne room for the celebration. I was finally going to be coronated as princess of Asgard, and I couldn't wait. Finally the cooks were done blabbering about the food and I got to my favorite part of any celebration that happens in the palace. The Dress, which is made by our royal seamstress to fit every royal perfectly, in both personality and size wise...
As the seamstress was measuring my body, my father burst through the door making me jump a bit at the loud noise the door made in contrast with the marble walls.

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