Chapter-8 How Can You Trust Him

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"Y/n POV :
"Y/N GET AWAY FROM HIM"shouted Steve as he made his way towards the glass cell

" Steve it's fine " I replied

" yeah listen to the princess captain" said Loki as I shot him a glare

" I wasn't talking to you " replied Steve as he put his hand on the glass cell in front of me
I put my hand on his though the glass separating us I could see that he was genuinely worried about my safety .

" it's alright I'm okay " I said trying to reassure him he just nodded his head though not taking his hand away from the glass as he stared deep into my (e/c) eyes and I stared into his baby blue ones
Not taking my hand off of the glass I turn to Loki .

" I am hoping we can finish our game later dear uncle ?" I asked

" of course little one. Have a good night " said Loki with a smile that turned into a glare once his eyes met Steve's . I am guessing it was for interrupting ur game . Loki was always like a second father although he might take it a little less seriously then dad but he is WAY more protective he always says "you're my little baby and shall have you're first kiss after you die". To which I always rolled my eyes at .

" good night uncle " I replied . I used my magic to by-pass the glass and stand face to face with Steve since he was a lot taller than me I was up to his neck and that's with heals on I'm probably up to his chest without them.
He engulfed me in a bear hug which I returned then cleared his throat .

"Dinner- everyone is going to wonder where the princess is " said Steve as he let go of me and started to make his way to the dungeon doors before he could get to them I grabbed his hand turning him around.

" Steve please promise me no one will find out about this " I said in a serious tone

" about what " said Steve
" the cheese pallets- what do you think ?! No one can know I visit Loki if my family finds out I'll be in big trouble, and I'd never see him again a day in my life, so please just promise me you won't tell them anything alright?" I said in a desperate tone Steve looked me in the eyes and nodded his head .

" I promise " he said and then took my hand interlacing our finger , I smiled and looked up at him

"Shall we ?"Asked Steve I nodded my head and we made our way to dining hall .

(Ok I am so sorry guys for not updating in a couple days I just had a-lot of quizzes but I promise to try as hard as I can to post more often and I'll try posting another chapter today is not today then I'll post 2 tomorrow have a nice day/night I love you all ❤️)

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