Chapter-16 Ultron

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Y/n pov :
" dad-dad calm down "

(Flash back )
As the avengers left my father kept me updated in a letter, and told that they got the tesseract back from that hydra base . And are throwing a party to celebrate. As well as he'd pick me up in 2 days. So I didn't worry until the next day there was no letter , but I didn't mind it thinking he was busy saving someone so I secretly spent my days with Loki playing chess or him teaching me new spells bringing him books , spending time with my grandparents, and usual boring princess duties. That's until the day that my father was supposed to arrive to take me to visit earth, but we were supposed to have diner before we go .I was helping the servants pick out the menu and cloth color for the diner when the dining room door burst open revealing my father, and disturbing my grandfather who was signing papers at the head of the table, and grandma who was reading, his chest was heaving, and sweat beads sliding along his face, which meant he was running. Then he started rambling non-comprehendible stuff until I shouted at him to calm down.
(End of flash back )
"dad-dad calm down"
I shouted at him grabbing his hand and sitting him down

"Can someone bring him water?!" I asked concerned about his well being.

A servant came in with water and I gave him the glass . He took deep breaths and calmed down.

"ok now please explain normally to me what had happened" I said and he nodded. I pulled out the chair next to him and sat down facing him and grabbed his hands in mine rubbing circles on the back of them to calm him down.

"while we were fighting to get the tesseract we came upon magical twins whom hydra tested on, the boy was very fast, as fast as the speed of my lightning, and the girl had magical powers she could make things float and cause nightmares. We didn't think much of it, grabbed the tesseract and called it victory, and we went to stark tower to celebrate until a robot named Ultron crashed it. Turns out stark wanted to mark an army of Ultron's to protect the world using the tesseract's magic, the robots came flying in and took the tesseract away. After that we went up against him and the twins, the girl tried to control my mind, but since I'm no mortal she couldn't after that Barton took us to as safe house the avengers are there right now, but I saw a vision i saw something in that dream and I knew I wouldn't find it on earth . That's why I'm here I need your help Luna" he said I tried soaking it all in .

"I know it's dangerous but we need your help defeating Ultron." He satiated in a serious voice looking me in the eye, as I nodded my head.

Midnight Sorceress/Y/n odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now