Chapter 18 Good-bye part 1

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No one  pov :
While some of the team started loading the people into vessels y/n covered their backs. And when they were done loading almost all the people she let out a breath she didn't know she held.
Y/n pov :
When Steve was done he rushed over to me and hugged me tightly, which I returned but then let go.

" we're not done yet Stevie " I said and he nodded his head and gave me an extra com he had with him .suddenly we heard stark over the coms.

"I got it, we make a heat seal. I can super charge the spiral from below." tony says

"Running the numbers " suddenly said the AI responded

" a heat seal would work. But you'd need a significant amount of power " said FRIDAY.

" point brake I got a plan," said tony

" we are out of time they are coming for the core " replied my father as he threw his hammer at a bot .

"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on that board carrier. Avengers time to work for a living " said tony as he flew to the church and everyone followed .

Suddenly Natasha comes out of nowhere with the hulk by her side and I rush over to her and hug her

"Where the hell have you been?"I ask, and even though she has a confused face on, she hugs back just as tightly.

" what are you doing here? Not that I mind " she says smirking
(Ok so Steve doesn't get jealous of Nat() flirting with Y/n but he gets jealous when Pietro kisses her hand?????)
" saving your guys' asses " I say and she laughs

" where's the core?" She asks looking at tony

"That's the core." He says pointing behind him in the center of the church "Ultron gets his hands on it , we lose."

Once everyone gathered at the church Ultron shows up and floats above us .

"IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO ?!" Yelled my father. Ultron raised his hands and a lot more bots than before appear . Steve and I look at him with an annoyed expression.

"You had to ask..." Steve and I chorused .

" this is the best I can do. This is exactly how I wanted it. All of you against all of me. How possibly can you try and stop me?" Said Ultron

"Like the old man said" tony said looking at Steve .

"Together."said tony before the hulk stated to yell. And the bots started attacking us
This was very close  resembling to war, minus the blood shed.

Then Ultron joined the fight and went towards a red robot who's Steve said was vision. Though when I looked at him i saw the mind stone and froze in place a bot was about to hit me but Pietro
Snapped it's neck.

" you ok princessa ?" He said in a strong sokovian accent
I looked back at him

"да, я в порядке, просто немного отключился от боя" since sokovia isn't a real place and that their language isn't real I'm gonna use Russian cause I'm half Ukrainian and let's pretend it's sokovian kk (yeah I'm fine just got a little distracted from the fight).
He looked at me shocked that I know the language and I just smiled at him.

"кстати, спасибо за робота"(by the way, thanks for the robot)I said and he smiled.

"с удовольствием, принцесса" (with pleasure, princess) he replied with a smirk and I turned my attention back to Ultron and vision.

Ultron hit vision into the side of the building, but vision was fast and used his mind stone to blast Ultron back and threw him a good couple blocks away from us.
Then dad and Tony ran after me as I make my way to Ultron.

"Not so tough now are you?" I say to the beat up Ultron.
Then i heard the sound of machinery so i turned and saw bots trying to escape the floating city so i used my magic and snapped them all in half's.
But while doing that I didn't see Ultron get up and get ready to blast me. But before he could do anything hulk smacked him towards the other side of town .

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