Chapter- 3 Gate Crashing part 1

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I awoke, to someone very rudely interrupting my sleep, by hammering on my bedroom door, I sighed dreading the day ahead. Although, my thoughts were interrupted by my personal handmaiden Elizabeth, who had entered the room.

"Good morning soon-to be princess" said Lizzie smiling, shining her pearly whites.

"Good morning Lizzie" I replied with a more sleepy one, and a whole chunk of bed hair.

"Ready for your big day today?" She asked enthusiastically, as she opened up the curtains, to which I winced

"Um yeah, I'm kind of nervous though" I replied with a nervous chuckle

"Oh what's there to worry about, it's going to be perfect, i mean it's not like a Gate crashing is going to happen" said Lizzie

"Well you can't grantee that now can you?" I stated, getting out of bed.

"Oh relax princess it'll be just fine" said Lizzie as the other maids started to stroll in through the two arched door carved from an ancient willow tree, holding up my clothing.

As I finished getting dressed, and bathed,  someone knocked on the door.

"COME IN" I yelled then the door opened to present my father with glistening eyes.
Was he crying? I thought to my self in curious wonder.

"Oh look at my little girl all grown up" he said as he made his way towards me and engulfed me in a huge bear hug, I smiled against his chest at the nickname.

"Good morning daddy" I said, which probably only made it worse, as he sniffled.

"Good morning n/n" replied my father as he let go of me I glimpsed behind his shoulder to see the guards taking the crown to what I'm guessing is the throne room. It was the crown grandma was coronated in and her mother and her mother and-, family tradition for every girl in the family to get coronated in that Crown.
"I'll be right back " I told my father he looked at me confused but let me go, before he could question anything I ran out into the hallway. Making my way down to the dungeons.

"Do I look presentable?" I asked my uncle twirling

"You look fantastic little one" replied Loki smiling

"I wish you could be with at the coronation today, but your actions surpassed your love for us" I stated feeling the wave of sadness washing over me.

"It's alright I'd be more than happy for you to come here later tonight and tell me ALL about it as I get my cuddles session of the day " Replied Loki smiling at me, I smiled back and waved him leaving, as I entered the council room everyone's head turned to me, my grandmother smiled and stood up to engulf me in a heart melting hug, I hugged her back as she sniffled
"Look at our little baby girl not so little anymore" said frigga as a tear slipped her eye, while staring at her granddaughter.

"she will always be our little girl!" Yelled Odin

"Father's right you know!"

I chuckled at his comment as he came and joined our hug , the three of us looked at grandpa, my grandfather sighed before he walked closer to us

"Just because the kid asked" said Odin as he hugged us

"I didn't say anythin-" I was muffled in a sandwich of my family but one thing was missing- Loki
One of the guards cleared their throat bringing us all back to reality breaking the hug as Odin went back to his seat everyone sat down me being next to my father as Odin started his speech which I wasn't really engulfed fully in as my mind kept wondering, Odin finished everyone in the meeting room went to check that the celebration would go smoothly as planed and since I had nothing to do I went to the gardens of the castle since there was plenty of time before the coronation.
After a bit of time my grandmother joined me

"There you are " said grandma hugging my shoulders

"let me guess this is the first place you looked for me in?" I replied with a smile

"Yes, yes it is" answered frigga truthfully.

"You were always here as a child using your magic to heal dead flowers and horse riding to the waterfall spending almost all day there with your father or uncle " said grandma as the memories started flooding back to my head.

"Come on daddy " I yelled to my father from the stables

"Coming princess!" Yelled my father as he started running to the stables with my uncle behind him chuckling at his brother as he strode to the stables with the picnic basket.

"Good morning tornado" I said petting my black horse, she neighed back I smiled. I always had a great connection with animals, but tornado, she was special we had a much deeper connection than i had with any other animal, it's like our souls were bound together for eternity.
I got tornado out of the stables and my father helped me jump on her back as he and Loki then got on their own horses we strode through the gardens to get to the water fall but as always I got bored of the slow walks so I grabbed tornado's reins, pulling on them making her run. My uncle giggled as he saw his brother's failed attempt to keep up with the horse

"Relax! We know we're she's headed what the big deal?" Asked Loki, from his horse

" The BIG deal is that MY child is on a horse ALONE running to a waterfall THAT'S WHAT THE BIG DEAL IS " replied Thor dramatically, making his brother roll his eyes so hard, Loki feared they'd be stuck in the back of his head.

"Do you always have be so dramatic Thor?" Asked Loki rather annoyed with his younger brother.

Thor huffed in return as he speed of in the direction of his daughter's horse. As Loki and Thor arrived at the waterfall they saw little y/n seated by her horse as she drank water from the lake beneath the lake.

" DADDY UNCLE LOKI what took you so long?" Asked little n/n as tornado lifted her head from the water to look at the two men .

" n/n! Are you out of you mind running of like that! What if something happened? What If you got injured?! You can't do that I was so worried!" Shouted Thor as he knelt beside his daughter brining her into his arms

"I'm sorry daddy I won't do it again" She looked up at Loki saintly asking him to join the hug, he understood his niece immediately and joined the cuddle session?

I smiled at the memory thinking about how simple the days were back then before the war against my own uncle with his obsession of obtaining a throne started.

" Y/n!" Shouted my grandmother in my ear

"Huh?" I asked, I asked wincing

"Did you listen to anything I was saying?" Replied frigga, with a rather annoyed expression

"wha- uh yeah yeah I was" I replied unsure of what to say

"Right... well it's almost time for your coronation go relax a bit it gets on your nerves " said my grandmother

I smiled and hugged her then walked back to my Chambers .
I took a seat on one of the many couches in my bedroom looking out the huge glass window at my beautiful kingdom below, but the blue eyed many slowly clouded all my thoughts until he was all i could think of, with a smile plastered on my face I drifted off into the land of day dreaming.

Midnight Sorceress/Y/n odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now