Chapter-9 Where Were You

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Y/n POV :
As Steve and I entered the dining hall ,all eyes were on us I just smiled and we continued our way to the front of the table where my family and the avengers sat , not noticing that my hand was still interlaced with Steve's. Steve sat beside me and I sat next to my grand mother , opposite to Tony who sat next to my father and of course Odin at the head of the table being king and all .
My father cleared his throat then Odin spoke .

" nice of you to finally join us dear " said Odin

" I am sorry I am late I had an urgency to tend to I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long "I replied

"It's quite alright dear better late then never am I right?"said grandma turning to Odin

" of-course . Now that our guest of honor is here I would like to raise a toast " said Odin as he took his glass of champagne.

" to my lovely grand-daughter may she be the best next queen to go down in the history of Asgard"said Odin as everyone cheered and clanked their glass i clanked mine with Steve's. Only now noticing our still intertwined hands underneath the table I smiled and drank a sip from my glass . Seeing that Steve also realized the same thing still refused to separate our hands and gave mine a little squeeze, and I returned the favor , while gently smiling at him as he stared into my (e/c) eyes smiling back I broke the little starring competition feeling eyes on us , I turn around only to see my father giving Steve a death glare that anyone would know as the " lay a finger on my daughter and you'll be my next meal " glare I just giggled and eventually let go of Steve's hand when dinner was served. After dinner we all make it back to the throne room where people started saying their goodbyes and bowing as well as leaving gifts . When everyone leaves it's just me ,my family, and the avengers .

" well it's time for bed now the maids will show you to your rooms as well as give you spare clothes" said grandma

" actually Natasha can borrow mine if she likes I wouldn't mind..." I said

" YOU WOULD'NT ?!? " said my family in surprise knowing how I wouldn't let anyone touch my clothes

" of course I wouldn't and plus we look like we're the same size I'm sure my clothes will fit Natasha's beautiful figure " I replied with a smile which Natasha returned

" well in that case , why don't you show Natasha to her room while you're at it ?" Said grandma
" she could stay in mine, and we could have a sleepover in my room, if you don't mind of-course" I said turning to Natasha

" it would be my honor princess " said Natasha

" please call me n/n (nick name) " I replied with a smile

" it would be my honor n/n" replied Natasha with a grin

And we made our way to the hallways leaving a shocked god of Thunder and my sweet grandparents .

( as promised I wrote 2 chapters today )

Midnight Sorceress/Y/n odinsonWhere stories live. Discover now