Chapter-19 Good-bye part 2

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Y/n pov :
We continued to fight and protect the core until Steve says.

"We need to move out . Even I can tell the air is getting thin" he said a little out of breath

"What about the core?" Asked Clint

"We'll protect it " Wanda and I chorused and Clint looked at us.

"It's our job" replied Wanda with a smile

"You two are avengers now" said Clint we giggled. Then Pietro came up to us.

"Go get the people on the boat"  she told him

"I'm not going to leave you two here" he added looking at us

"Come back for us when everyone else is off. Not before. Do you understand?" Wanda warned causing Pietro to smirk.

"You know, I'm 12 minutes older than you " he said as we chuckled

Pietro then ran to help the people.
Nobody pov:
Clint was helping people aboard when he heard a woman screaming .

"HE'S NOT HERE HE'S NOT WITH ME!!! WHERE IS HE?!" She shouted as Clint pushed her into the vessel. And then he turns around and sees a little boy in a building. He took off towards that boy.

He grabbed the boy and started making his way towards the vessel but a jet flew into the air. He looked up to see Ultron in a jet.
Y/n pov:
He starts shooting at Clint, but Pietro grabbed a broken car and threw it in front of Clint and the boy.
And as bullets were about to pierce Pietro's body, Wanda shot out a blood curdling scream dropping to her knees as her magic killed all the robots surrounding us, but before they could I concentrated all my magic on the bullets making them freeze in place as Pietro flinched and closed his eyes, then he opened his eyes and saw the bullets frozen in place and the jet thrown into a building, he moved a bullet with his finger and it dropped to the ground, he then turned around and looked at me helping Wanda up. And smiles gently at me giving me a silent thank you. I nodded my head as Pietro came and took Wanda from me.

"Come on princessa " said Pietro looking back me. Then Steve approached us.

"Y/n are you ok? "he asked me and I nodded my head

"Get to the jet, I still have one more thing to take care of " I said and as Steve was about to protest I shook my head. And he defeatedly went to the jet with Pietro, Wanda, and Clint.

After the hulk got nat safely to the jet, he went towards the building I threw Ultron into. Got Ultron out and slammed him into the ground for me and walked away.
I go to Ultron and knelt beside him.

"If you don't leave, you'll die..." he said as the power drained him.

"Today I almost did, as I saw the people I love risking their life's to save others and defeat you, and you know what it felt like?" I say as I use my magic to rip out his Vibranium "heart" if you can even call it a heart, killing him for good.

"It felt like that" I replied with venom lacing my voice. But because I left my post, a bot made its way to the core successfully pressing the button , and the piece of floating land started making it's way back to earth.

"THOR! ON MY MARK" yelled Tony over coms as he flied under the flying piece of land. Vision flew to me seeing me kneeled down by Ultron's body. Picked me up startling me and started making his way back to the jet quickly. As soon as vision put me down in the vessel safely Steve ran to me as Tony gave the command.

"NOW " he yelled over coms as he powered up his arc reactor. Thor put his hammer in the air as he violently brought it down on the core. Reacting together the city exploded into tiny bite size pieces as Steve held me tight, successfully not killing all human life on earth. As the vessels made their way back to the giant jet Steve pushed me in and called for a doctor to examine me, but I quickly shut him up and pulled him into a room closing the door behind me.

"Steve, Steve calm down I'm not mortal I heal fast I'm ok, I promise "I said cupping his cheek in my hand as he nodded then leaned in and crashed his lips against mine, and I smiled into the kiss thankful that he has alive, we pulled away to a knock on the door.

"Princessa you ok in there?" asked Pietro causing Steve to roll his eyes which I didn't see.

"Yeah I am, I'll be out in a sec" I said turning back to Steve. As I heard Pietro's foot steps leave, Steve whispered.

"Are you staying on earth ?" He asked and I nodded.
He smiled then cheerfully asked
"Perfect. How about a date tonight? You, me, picnic under the stars?" He asked and I giggled and nodded my head, wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking his lips again

"It's perfect"he smiled and kissed me again. Pulling away as his lungs burned for air.
I exited the room running to my father hugging him, thanking the gods he's not harmed. And shortly after Steve exited the room without anyone noticing or so he thought but Pietro saw him. And he smirked to himself, looking away pretending he didn't see anything. He decided to tease the captain. Pietro knew Y/n only saw him as a friend and vice versa but the capsicle didn't have to know now did he?

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