Chapter-4 What When and Where

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Y/n POV:
my thoughts were cut short as Lizzie entered the room smiling excitedly
"Are you ready for the big celebration my princess?" Squealed Lizzie as I chuckled at her excitement

"I mean what's the worse that could happen, right?" I restated her line with a wink as I left the room. Striding to the throne room waiting for my cue from the guards to make my grand entrance.
My cue was set, and the beautiful oak doors opened, and everyone turned to look at me, I smiled and walked, I saw my grand father, father, and grand mother at the throne , Odin was standing beside the book of legends and the crown bedside him. I took equal and powerful steps towards my family head held high as the people around me whispered in hushed voices, as I got to the end of the room I bowed in front of my grandfather before Making my way towards the book of legends where all my ancestors pledged to follow their destinies as next king, queen, prince or princess of Asgard. I saw my grandmother let a tear slip her eye as she smiled down at me. I took the feather in my hand ready to sign my destiny as princess of Asgard, the princess of the night .

"Y/N ODINSON DAUGHTER OF THE GOD OF THUNDER,  DO YOU PLEDGE TO FOLLOW YOUR DESTINY AS THE NEXT PRINCESS OF ASG-" my grand father was cut short as the great oak doors opened to reveal 4 men and a woman standing there.

"apologies we're late your majesties, the invitation got lost in the mail" said a brown haired man with chocolate brown, eyes as he smirked towards my father. I glanced back at my father who had pupils the size of an apple then asked
"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked, as confusion laced my voice, and frown decorated my face

"Uh- nothing go on!" Thor replied quite quickly as he made his way towards the people at the door and pushed them towards the middle of the crowd, and out of my sight. Odin cleared his throat
Right were where we?" He asked, as i raised my finger
"ah yes" cleared his throat again continuing the ceremony.
I spotted my father along with the uninvited guests in the crowd and smiled at him which he returned. I turned to the crowd as i placed me hands on the book stand beside the book.
I pledged, i grabbed the feather, and signed my destiny. When I finished signing the crowd cheered, and the glass was lifted from the crown, my grandfather took it and headed towards me, I knelt down just a little bit so he could place it on my head, as he placed the crown he gently smiled at me and I returned it. The crowd cheered again as I took my place in front of my grandparents and yelled .
"MAY THE CELEBRATIONS BEGIN" everyone cheered and started to head toward the gardens to start celebrating, playing, eating, drinking and whatever else there was . When everyone left and it was just me my grandparents, father and the group of Uninvited guest. My father ran to me picking me off of the floor and spinning me around in a tight hug, as I giggled at his childishness.

" I am sorry to interrupt but the cutely disgusting family hug, but... could someone introduce us?!" Said the same brown haired man, with a great attitude.

"TONY!" Yelled a familiar red haired woman, with a scolding tone, and frowned at the man

"oh my god..." said another brown haired man, as she rubbed her forehead not looking anyone in the eye.

"Um right let's introduce ourselves" said Thor, looking at me

"I'm Natasha pleasure to meet you " broke the silence the same red head, as she extended her hand out her me to shake, which a did with a smile gracing my face, which spread onto hers.

"Tony, Tony Stark" said the brown haired man, waving his hand, before shoving it back into his pocket.

"Bruce Banner your majesties " said the other brown haired man with a bow.

"Clint Barton your highnesses " introduced the green eyed man

"Steve Rogers your majesties" said the beautiful blue eyed man from the dream realm

"Now your turn point break " said Tony, pointing at my father accusingly.

"Point break?" Said my grandmother frowning

"I mean Thor " Tony corrected himself, waving his hand around

" I'm Frigga Thor's mother, queen of Asgard " said Frigga bowing

"Odin king of Asgard" said Odin nodding his head

"Y/n Odinson Thor's daughter, pleasure to make your acquaintance" I said with a smile, in courtesy.

"Sorry to come uninvited, but we were busy not knowing you exist " said Tony towards me, as Natasha smacked the back of his head with an apologetic smile.

"Well now that everyone is introduced, why not join the celebrations outside shall we ?" I asked with a sweet smile.

"It would be our pleasure princess " said Steve with a charming smile

"Please call me y/n " I replied with a smile.

"Of course " Steve said with a grin, staring at me.

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