Chapter-27 A Fight To Wakanda

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Y/n pov:
I woke up surrounded my two giants(Steve and Bucky) one warm arm, and another vibranium cold arm don't ask how I know, maybe just maybe because all armor on Asgard is made of it, because the ever so kind king T'chaka may he Rest In Peace and his son now king T'challa donated more than enough of their metal to us during war, it's thanks to them I am still alive, anyway. Today was the day we got Bucky into Wakanda, easier said than done. I tried to get out of bed without waking the boys, but that wasn't gonna happen, their grip on me is too tight. So I tried shaking them awake, but not even a flinch. In the end they just got on my nerve after 30 minutes.

"BOYS!" I shouted and they quiet literally flew out of bed and into fighting positions, making me burst out laughing, as Steve started looking around checking if any uninvited guests were present.

"Y/n! Is there someone here? Are you hurt?! What's wrong?" He siad as Bucky just started quietly giggling, as Steve just stood there still confused of my break down of laughter.

"Stevie, what's going on here is that someone thought It'd be funny to wake us up by screaming" he said which was mostly true except for the fact that I spent 30 minutes trying to shake them awake.

"Oh yeah? Well I think some deserves a punishment, for giving us, A HEART ATTACK!" Said Steve which immediately made me stop laughing knowing what the punishment would be.

"Steve-Steve no no uh-uh" I said shaking my head

"Bucky my friend would you like to help me out?" He siad and Bucky seemed to understand what he meant as well because he started grinning, for the first time.

"It would be my pleasure" he said and I started shaking my head, but I knew my protests were useless, I mean I could take on one super soldier at a time, but the two of them together? The great Captain America, and The Winter Soldier? Nope

And by that they started their tickle attack.
Which lasted what felt like an eternity.

After they were done we put on our suits which were dried from yesterday. Steve brought his suit just in case. And headed out to the airport, in a car Steve took from the tower. Once we arrived at the airport , the alarming system went off signaling that the airport was on lock down, we didn't really want to find out why so we started running towards the privet jet T'challa sent ok so in my story Bucky didn't kill T'challa's father ok? Nor did he kill Tony's parents. And king T is waiting in wakanda waiting for buck to heal him. But we didn't make it far and saw war machine in the sky above us, he landed and took off his helmet part of the suit.

"Cap! N/n congratulations you're now world known criminals" he said as tony landed bedside him and the others made their way from inside the airport and stood between us and tony, not picking a side.

"Tony what the hell is going on?" I asked Tony as he took off his helmet

"You see n/n darling your friend over there is a world known HYDRA assassin" he told us

"We know" said Steve

"THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HELPING HIM?!!" He asked confused of our actions

"Because he's our friend" I said and Bucky smiled behind me

"Steve you do realize he doesn't remember literally anything" said tony in his usual sassy tone

"That's why we're taking him to wakanda to help him, Tony please we don't wanna fight you" I siad and Tony had unemotional eyes.

"It looks like you don't have a choice. UNDEROOS" he shouted, as a man dressed in blue and red caught Steve's shield off of his arm and webbed his arms together. As the man did that tony shot his blasters at me. But I caught them with my magic and blasted back at him, causing him to fly backwards into a plane.

"Should we help them?" Asked Wanda

"Not really i don't wanna end up choosing a side and betraying the other" said Pietro

"Yeah... let them fight it out, they'll calm down eventually"  said Natasha

And we continued fighting for 2 hours straight
Some of the others got popcorn from the airport and others were seated on the ground. Until my father decided he had enough and shouted in his royal king loud voice.

"ENOUGH" He yelled and we all stoped, i was on-top of Tony beating the shit out of his face and armor, while steve was throwing Rhodes into a wall repeatedly, and bucky was tied to himself by spider-man's web shooters.

"This is nonsense they are helping their friend Tony, don't you think if he was truly a lost cause no offense" dad said, buck tilted his head to the side, as a sign of agreement. "They wouldn't be fighting for him right now?"

"Ok ok. GET OFF OF ME!" He yelled at me and i got off of him with my hands in the air as a sign of defense.

"Ok we'll help, you but the Secretary of the state won't like this you know " he said getting up

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him" i told him, and Tony nodded his head to the side.

"Ok fair enough, come on before the pilot falls asleep" he said and we all cheered running to the plane getting in.

"Uh! Pilot if you're still alive which i hope you are, we are ready to go" i said and everyone laughed fastening their seatbelts

"Of course miss Odinson" he confirmed his wellness and i got into the seat next to Steve and fastened my seatbelt.

"I love you" he said pecking my cheek

"I love you too" i said as the plane started to move

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