Chapter-23 An Accident

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No one POV:
As a couple months passed by, Y/n and Steve got closer, and closer, sneaking out on dates, picnics, walks, working out together (ending by Steve on the floor and his shield at the other end of the training room, bc y/n kicked his ass) and by Steve getting jealous every time Pietro flirts, or is in a room alone with y/n, and tries to interfere or steal y/n away every time, making Pietro even happier to see the captain so worked up. As for y/n she just saw Pietro as her close friend and was confused when Steve came in and pushed her away from him.

Right now y/n and Steve were coming back to the compound after a 2 week long mission in Odessa taking down a hydra base, there was a lot of fighting, and blood shed though these agents served it for torturing innocent people and soldiers. As well as a couple set backs.

Flashbacks to the fight. In y/n's pov.
I was using my magic to kill agents or de-weaponize them and I hear a gunshot pierce flesh and turn to see Steve got shot in the abdomen, and hid behind a wall. I killed the agent that fired the shot and ran to him.

"SHIT!" He hissed adding pressure on his wound

"Language captain" I said as I removed his hand and started taking out the bullet with my magic as he he gave me a 'seriously?' Look but it didn't last as he cringed as I took the bullet out and used my magic to heal him. I gave him a peck on the lips and he grinned before standing back up.

Another flashback still y/n pov:

As we got the files and information needed the alarm rang signaling that there are intruders present the intruders being us. Two agents ran into the room we were in and aimed their guns at us. But before they could even think about pulling the trigger I used my magic turning the guns and firing them into their heads (harsh? The girl was raised in a war and fought in like 100, what you expect?)

"Take off their suits" I told Steve and he looked at me

"What-?! I'm not taking off their suits!" He said as he raised his hands

"fine" I said using my magic I duplicated their suits, in our sizes.

"Put this on" I said throwing one to Steve as I put mine on.

Another flashback:

We made our way through hydra agents until we came into what looked like a jet hanger, Steve nodded towards a jet, and started running as I ran after him. We jumped into the pilot seats, and I turned to Steve.

"I suppose you know how to fly this thing" I said and he turned to me

"No we're gonna crash into the water" he said and a looked scared for a second until he said

"Kidding " grinning, I smiled and rolled my eyes as Steve started the plane and I pressed a button opening the doors to the hanger.

"HANGER 17! THEY ARE IN HANGER 17!!" A hydra agent shouted as Steve started the plane.


We safely made it out of the base with the information needed, and landed in safely in SHIELD Brooklyn privet airport. We made our way out of the plane as SHIELD agents surrounded us pointing guns at us, I mean I can't blame them we did arrive in a hydra plane and dressed as their agents, but as soon as they saw it was us they lowered the weapons, and agent hill came out of a car that pulled up.

"Hill" said Steve as we descended down the steps of the plane

"Captain, Princess" she said and I raised my hand

"y/n please" I said and she nodded

"welcome home." She said and Steve and I chorused

"Thank you" she nodded her towards the car

"Let's get you home so you can clean up" she said, as Sam emerged from the drivers seat

"Welcome home besties" (over the couple months y/n spent in the compound/tower she got introduced to a new agent the falcon aka Sam and they became best friends somehow Steve isn't jealous of Sam but is jealous of Pietro) he said and we smiled getting in the car and hitting off to the highway going back to the compound.

Which brings us here driving calmly on a high way Steve and I in the back seat, we got out of the hydra suits which we put over our suits, and are comfortably sitting in our comfortable suits,while Sam drives and hill sits beside him, while Sam was focused on driving and hill was on looking through the info we got that she downloaded on the SHIELD tablet incase someone steals them.
Steve stole a peck from me and whispered.

"Payback. Now we're even" making me giggle. Until a thud sounded from the roof of the car all of us looked up, while we were distracted a metal arm pierced through the wind shield ripping the steering wheel from sam's hands.

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