Ready? ...No? I Don't Care! Go! (2)

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"...Rest well now, Diane."

...At this point, I was too exhausted to even be surprised at the sudden mystery voice. Things were moving too fast for my poor brain to keep up with.

First, my mom dies literally minutes after I was born. After. I. Was. Freaking. Born. I mean, I get that it can happen but, seriously? I was literally born a second time! (Take that Nicodemus)

As if that weren't enough, this girl's voice comes out of left field.

My head was already struggling to keep up with the "born a second time" part, let alone a new mysterious person that showed up out of nowhere.

Suddenly, I felt myself being scooped up by a mysterious girl. I couldn't make out her face as there was suddenly more light shining into them.

Not wanting to go through the pain of adjusting my eyes again, I returned my gaze back down. There, my eyes widened as I saw something that was truly mystical.

Plants... were moving.

Not like they were just drifting in the breeze, no. They were digging up the dirt while holding my mother's body up. It was like they had a mind of their own, as though they were a living being's appendages.

Soon enough, a large impression was formed in the ground. The plants then moved my mother's body into it and then began to pour dirt upon her.

Suddenly, I heard a choked voice speak.

"... I'm... really, heuk... sorry, Diane."

The girl suddenly broke into tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry this is all I could give do..."

I awkwardly sat in her arms, not entirely sure what to do.

So... listen. I'm perfectly aware that this is an emotional moment. This girl and my mother probably had some deep relationship or friendship in the past. I also know that my mother's death likely impacted this girl quite a lot but...

...What am I supposed to feel right now?

It's not like I spent time and energy to invest in their relationship to feel what they're feeling. I mean, I'm freaking... what? Less than an hour old?

Plus, it's none of my business. I'm just a baby who was... er...

...Ah, I get it now.

I felt my eyes beginning to tear up again.

Right, what was this anyway?

Was it just instinct? Did I subconsciously imprint the mystery woman as my mother? Was that why I was suddenly tearing up and crying?

It was truly mysterious how these feelings I had never felt before began to well up within me.

Perhaps, this was my 'melting my stone-cold heart.'

I didn't know if it was my infant mind's lack of cognitive ability, but my thoughts began to wash away as I let the tears begin to freely flow. The unknown girl cried, slowly burying my mother's body.

Our quiet wails echoed in the unknown space.



My infant body was carried by the unknown girl through a forest.

I know I'm not in a position to complain, but... I couldn't help but wonder if the girl was lost. I know it wasn't the best thing or the moral thing to be thinking of right now, but an infant's attention span is ridiculously tiny.

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