So it Begins (2)

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A/N: ...Three chapters in a day. I don't know whether to be sad or happy.

There was something I was going to include here but I can't remember it...

In any case, happy reading :D

"Sir tha—!"

A guard spoke up with an expression between incredulousness and shock. Though he was silenced by the old elf's glare, it seemed the guard wasn't the only one who found this preposterous.

"Father! What nonsense—!"

"Have you looked?"

The old elf, which appeared to be the presumed King's father, retorted without batting an eye.


The King's voice died down as he began staring at me. It wasn't just him; the guards and everyone else in the room did the same.

It was an unpleasant feeling, like as though I were naked and everyone in this room was staring at me because of it.

Soon enough, the King muttered under his breath.


The room began to stir.

"How is that possible..."

"This has never been..."

"... It's unprecedented."

The room spoke in hushed whispers.

"I-it's a joke, isn't it? Alea!"

The guard who initially raised his voice called out. He seemed to be rather expressive compared to his coworkers.


Alea didn't answer as she seemed to be going through her own phase of shock.

It did make sense, I guess. Usually, it'd be impossible for a child my age to form their mana core. One of the books stated that the earliest known record of an elven child awakening was at 6 years old. However, that was someone of noble descent who had been fed elixirs and all sorts of things to help expedite their awakening.

So, following that knowledge, I guess people's shock and disbelief were wholly justified.

I wasn't even a child yet, after all. I was a freaking toddler.

...Why didn't I notice this sooner? I knew I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but why didn't I think that my awakening at my age would be weird?

I wanted to sigh at my own stupidity, but apparently, making a noise in front of the King and Queen was a cardinal sin or something, so I kept my mouth shut.


I tilted my head with a curious expression. All the acting skills that I honed in my previous life were coming into play... which wasn't actually that much.

Anyways, my efforts at acting were useless because everyone was tied up in their conversations and didn't even notice.

I grew a bit despondent.

Perhaps the passing breeze will notice...

Ah... there's no breeze in here.

I closed my eyes.

...I see.

Then, the room quickly grew silent, so I hastily opened my eyes.

The King creased his brow, but rather than irritation, it was just exhaustion.

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