"Who's the genius??"

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   Shoyo, Hinata Shoyo, is just like any other twenty-four year old, yet maybe just shorter and way more energetic. His life is really hectic, yet it's the good kind that always finds you with something to do. Allow him to explain himself. He works as a sports coach, a pretty prominent one too, as he has a lot of requests in staffing or coaching plenty different sports teams and management.

He makes a pretty good living off of it, and when he says that he means he gets bread. He has a level of fame, making him more well known around the world. His job is full of ups and downs, friend and foe, you know the whole nine yards, working with so many different faces on a daily. He's lucky he's a people person, because this job would've been hell.

He makes a lot of acquaintances in this business, having 2 of his greatest friends come from this job. They're not exactly bestie status yet, but they make working a hell of a lot easier. Miya Atsumu and Bokuto Kotaro, both absolute fucking idiots, but fun idiots. They make up for it.

Apart from coworker friends, he has his best friends, Yachi Hitoka, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, and Kageyama Tobio. They've been his solid group since college, knowing him better than anyone in his entire life, including family in some areas.

Kageyama Tobio is actually the person who knows him more than anyone else in this world and the next over, but we didn't get to him yet.

Speaking of family, Shoyo has a little sister, Hinata Natsu, who is just the most annoying, kind hearted, cute, devilish individual. Mixed signals, but that's the only way to describe that she-devil. Other than crazy. His parents, Hinata Sayaka and Hinata Jiro are the kindest people you'd ever meet. His dad is a bit loud and his mom a bit nosy, but he took on those traits so who is he to criticize?

Everyone in his life are very influential on him, as they make him who he is today. He loves them all very dearly, and he really means it when he says he couldn't do anything without them. But he isn't done, oh no he isn't.

Did he mention he had a lover? Yes, you never forget about the lover but we were saving them for last as he mentioned earlier. Well, it's actually the person he mentioned earlier. Kageyama Tobio as they call him. The person who knows him, his mind, body (you have no idea), and soul more than anybody ever could, the one who gives him every piece of drive and courage he lives off of on a daily basis, the man he looks forward to going to sleep with every night, and waking up to every morning.

His bestest best friend, that crazy, selfish yet thoughtful, beautiful, sickeningly iconic being he gets to call his.

Oh wait, did he mention he's also the biggest ceo in Japan? Yeah that's a thing.

This bitch is twenty-three years old, yet controls the number one firm that's dominating in sales right now. Did you know who he was when he was mentioned? Wouldn't be surprised if you did, the man is practically a living prodigy, stacking every asset among directors in his franchise.

He's respected as the "genius" who powers through all, being an absolute chief of a businessman. He's smart, capable, direct, clean, and accurate, an all around deity in economics hall. He's really hot too . Okay maybe that part wasn't needed, but he has to hype up his man every chance he gets.

See he has this silky smooth black hair that's been getting a bit longer recently, long enough it can stretch to put into sexy updos, a defined and when I say DEFINED body structure, Greek gods would be jealous. A dic- not the time not the time. A jawline so sharp it could cut DIAMONDS y'all, the smoothest fair skin with a perfect nose and soft plump lips, not to mention some little moles in the most beautiful places, plus the CUTEST dimples. But the biggest star quality of them all are these eyes.

you have NO idea what your boss does♔A kagehina/shobio story!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora