"Got my tail waggin n shi"

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Now it's not every day that Tobio has to leave for a conference around the world. It's often, but not as often as Shoyo makes it seem. Well to him, it's all the time, and he quite literally cannot stand when his fiancé has to leave for business ordeals. It makes him happy that he kinda has to do it since he is one of the best in Japan right now, but god it hurts having him gone for months. It's not like they don't spend time together which they do, but their very different work fields/schedules already make it hard. So now Shoyo is sitting in their bedroom, alone, while Tobio is downstairs getting more things for his suitcase. The feeling overtaking the shorter isn't really a bad one, just one that feels like his body is already on fucking fire ready to get back to where they were. Looking at his hands, he decides that he does have a lot of work to get done with a new team in town, so he has his own bundle of things to do in the meantime.

"Sho, can you get my toothbrush please!" Tobio called from the stairs, making his way up the steps swiftly. Grabbing the item, he turned back into the room, noticing the black haired male already there.

  "Damn, did you run up the stairs?? Here."

   "No, you could've just been taking a slow ass time." The man teased as he grabbed at his toothbrush.

  "Alright, I think I'm all set, I have to meet Hoshiumi at the building in 50, so I'll get down there now since it's a bit of a drive. You good?" He asked, knowing good and fucking well shoyo wasn't "good". How could he be? This is a month and a few days, what's he supposed to do? He actually doesn't think his body can even go without Tobio for more than 24 hours. Curse him and his stupid job. His stupidly amazing job.

  "You're gonna be gone for a little over a month and you think I'll be "good"?? Yeah right." He spat, now standing in front of the man. To this rebuttal, he took a step back, sighing.

"Listen, I know and I'm sorry okay? I'll be back before you know it. Try to keep a little optimism, yeah? Alsoo...next trip I get to take you along with me, plus it's to France. Tú montes a bord de ton cul sexy avec moi~ hm? How does that sound?" Tobio spoke, smiling, showing off his French practice. Shoyo has no idea what the hell he just said, but it sounded sexy as hell. He heard "moi" and "sexy" so is he calling himself sexy? This man is never wrong.

"You know I have no idea what you just said, right? I heard sexy so you have to be calling me sexy, which that I am." Shoyo concluded with a smile, twisting the words to tease his lover.

"Well, I actually was, so it seems like you caught on to something."

"Wait, what? I thought you were calling yourself sexy?? I heard "moi" so-

"I take back what I said." Tobio whispered, earning a punch on the shoulder by Shoyo.

  "Ah fuck you, I'll just look it up. Anyways don't you have to like- leave? I would distract you further from leaving but this house needs some peace and quiet for once so I'll let you go."

"Shut up." The man said, pushing Shoyo into him, giving him a knee weakening kiss.

  "Don't burn down the house without me okay? I cooked 3 meals yesterday, now just get takeout the other days. I better not see a pan in that sink unless it's eggs, you hear me?"

"Yes sir!" Tobio smiled, flicking the other on the forehead.

  "I'll still miss you, you know that? Every single day I'll cry myself to sleep at the emptiness of my bed."

"I know, what ever would you do without me? But I guess I'll miss your tall ass too." Shoyo hummed, leaning back into his lover whilst wrapping his hands around his waist. "I love you, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

you have NO idea what your boss does♔A kagehina/shobio story!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ