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What you heard- Sonder
•Get you- Daniel C/Kali Uchis
• So Anxious- Ginuwine


Hinata Shoyo is a kind, light spirited individual as you all may know, yet sometimes, he has his days. Now some may think he's just "sunshine! Bright! Cheery!" all damn day and that is just not the case.

Yes, he's a very kind person and loves to brighten other's lives. Yes, he is really sweet and caring. Yes, he is really impactful and you'd never see him down! But he gets down. And in this case scenario, he's VERY down. He just hasn't had the best day today.

For one: He woke up late and couldn't eat/get a form of coffee, tea, hell a SHOT, or any energizer that could amp up his day just a little more.

Two: Tobio has been busy all day so he didn't call or text the ginger, leaving him stranded since the first time they conversed early this morning, and that was just a quick kiss and a "love you, see you later babe" from the raven while Shoyo was still practically asleep, mumbling back an incomprehensible response.

Three: His advisor called and made him aware of an outbreak in one of his regular teams, meaning he's out of work for an entire 2 weeks unless he gets another call in, which he should love, yet doesn't since he can have a possibility of contracting the virus they spread among him and perhaps, maybe, die of sickly disease.

Four: He dealt with a particularly rude worker at his job today, one that's fairly new, and it took so much out of him he can't even stand. In addition, his favorite show got bumped back another week!

If this keeps up he's gonna be sick. He definitely meant that figuratively. He deathly(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) wishes that he can get cheered up right about now, which Bokuto and Atsumu (accompanied by the newbie Sakusa) were trying to accomplish, yet to no avail. It'd give him a good smile/maybe laugh for a split second, yet the fatal (that was the last joke I'm sorry😭) mood resting on his shoulders wouldn't go away.

Now that he's at his third time running into something and tripping, he's just about done. It's almost as if someone is controlling his day and had a bad day themselves, taking it out on him, because there's absolutely no way this day can get as worse as it is.

That was a lie. Now he's completely and utterly done. He just received a call from his mother that explained all the current dealings of his grandfather, who was now hospitalized. What the hell. Shoyo wonders just what did he do to piss the world off today. This is like, one of the worst days of his life, and he only has about 3 of those. And Tobio STILL hasn't texted him back!

  He's honestly about to find the nearest bridge and jump off of it, because he can't deal with this anymore. He may be being dramatic to you, but if your head was aching like hell, could possibly be dying, grandpa in the hospital in critical condition, been walked over all day, AND your one source of happiness is so busy they haven't talked to you, how would you feel? Like shit, I recon.

So now, Shoyo is sitting in his advisor's office, working out his dates to come back, because he's taking a few days off. Letting the man know about all his mishaps today, he seemed to be sympathetic, and decided to give him as many days as he needs.

Thank god for this man, because if he had to stay and listen to one more whistle he was going to loose his mind.

He notices as he's talking, his phone lights up, yet he makes no effort into seeing what it is. He's still talking right now, and if he just pulled his phone up in front of his advisor mid conversation about how he's so tired of this day, he's sure that'll look bad. A few lights later, whatever that is is going to be the death of him.

you have NO idea what your boss does♔A kagehina/shobio story!Where stories live. Discover now