Lazy Days w Lazy kisses

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A/N: This is so fluffy it makes me wanna die. No seriously I wanna sleep on the freeway bc of how cute they are.

Wish it was me ngl.

•Hrs and Hrs is too perfect for this as well so press play above;)ఌ
•❥Sleep at Night- Chris Brown (yall this song got me in a chokehold BAD omg please)

The fresh smell of morning awoke Shouyou, next to the obvious familiar scent growing underneath his limbs. And he knows what that is. Especially after he all but forced his fiancé to stay home with him today without really doing much. In fact-he didn't speak at all, which no doubt would concern anyone who knows him, but mostly Tobio, who he talks to no matter what. He had bad days several times during college, and he would rarely speak to anyone. But then came his boyfriend, greeting him with a usual hug and kiss thinking absolutely nothing is wrong and-he was talking. Though he wasn't back in high spirits, he still would be significantly better. But on this bad day, he was so moody that he didn't greet the man at all when he got home from work. He has these weird bouts of behavior sometimes, and he can't help but think it's his body's way of relaxing from being "happy!" "bright!" "go-lucky!" all the damn time. Now thankfully, he has a terribly default moody soon to be husband who understands things like this easily, and knows just how to deal with it.


"Shouyou?" Tobio called out, opening the double doors to the bedroom once he surveyed the downstairs area. He rounds the corner, stopping when he noticed the redhead, who turned his head in the taller's direction. His face was blank, void of any expression, just looking at the newly arrived man with no words. Tobio just smiled, walking up to the bed. He removes his suit jacket, throwing it somewhere, settling in beside the older. He asks no questions, nor coos at him to make him feel better, and that's the beauty of it. He knows Shouyou would probably feel worse, so he makes do with sending a quick peck to his forehead, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

Shouyou leans into the touch, resting his head on the man's chest, breathing in the comfortable scent of his cologne.

He ended up drifting off to sleep, but woke to unpleasantly find an empty bed and a dark trace outside their huge window, letting him know that it's definitely midnight. Looking around the room, there's no sign of Tobio, making him frown slightly. Just as he's about to stuff himself underneath his covers, he hears the faint sound of water running coming from the direction of their bathroom. So he stays up. Sitting there, eyes stinging with remnants of sleep, waiting for his own walking comforter to drag his ass back into bed.

  Tobio walks back in a little bit later, with clothes surprisingly, a white t-shirt and sweats, and a towel in his hair. He's rubbing the side of his head before his eyes snap onto a shivering Shouyou in the middle of the bed, silently staring at him. He sighs, finishing his hair drying process quickly, throwing it into a quick updo. He stalks to the bed but stops directly in front of the ginger, reaching his hands out to comb through the messy locks. Shouyou closes his eyes slightly, feeling Tobio bring his hands around his face. They stop there for a second, before he moves in closer, meeting Shouyou for a sweet-short kiss. He scoots the shorter over, sliding in after, allowing him to wrap his arms around his torso tightly. Seems like he's going to be sleeping on his back today. But if it's for Shouyou-so be it. Even if he's going to be immensely uncomfortable.

As the sun rises, his alarm goes off, and he tries to get out of bed, he does, but strong arms immediately wrap themselves tighter around his waist, digging him back into the mattress.

"Shouyou." He whispers, gently nudging the guy around him. "I have to go."


He assumes Shouyou just knocked back into sleep, but when he tries to rise again, those arms still trap him to the bed. This time, there's an unhappy groan, and Tobio rolls his eyes.

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