Nice Toss! (Half S)

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A/N: I've had 7000 words of this chapter for like 2 and a half weeks forgive me I was procrastinating
*Lil smut part bc hello who am I
•also seriously furadate why timeskip Tobio waist so teeny what you tryna say fr
•Nearly 10,000 words for a SINGLE chapter I know I'm sorry don't be skipping or nothing😒
*I was listening to the most random shi writing this so no specific song suggestions put on sum sexy'll be thoroughly disgruntled trying to listen to some arctic monkeys during this friend :(



What should have been Shouyou's grand awakening by a man he hasn't see in 3 days quickly turned into nothing but a rough morning.

See, Tobio has been off in another city doing what he does best, so like always, Shouyou hasn't seen him in a bit. Three days isn't anywhere near what he feels when that amount is stacked into months but, what can he say? He absolutely adores his fiancé. So seeing him again, the light in his world, would just make him so happy right? Yeah, not a chance.

First off, the man got back home around 2 in the morning, and Shouyou just physically couldn't stay up and await the moment he walked back through those doors.

Second, following that, he supposed he'd just wake up to a nice, tranquil environment and hey-what do you know? A tall dark and handsome man snuggled up against him! But no. He woke up a little late since he did try to go past his bedtime which he swears he never set, his body has just gotten weirdly used to giving out at that hour, so his time to wake up was pushed back a bit. But the point is, he woke up next to Hana, which isn't all that bad, she's a snuggly girl too, but still-she's no hot 6'2 bastard made up of nothing but nerve, piercings, and tattoos. And sex. A lot of it. Anyways, Tobio left a stupid ass note saying he went out to the office and to the grocery store at ASS CRACK OF DAWN (we will definitely leave out the fact that he's only doing so because Shouyou's been living off of takeout for the past three days, he never went to the market), so he left the ginger here. Alone.

And lastly, following that rude realization, he was in a bad mood. A "slam every door in the house" type of bad mood. He drove his way to work with a nasty attitude, but obviously began to play it off as he walked through the building. He never lets his own shit get in the way of the others.

Now, we're here, and they're setting up the coaches for each of the teams. There's the girls team, which will most likely, no doubt get handed to Atsumu because they favor him for some reason only god knows, the indoor boys team which Shouyou knows will probably go to Bokuto, the outdoor boys team that are filled with questioning boys who give him questionable looks (hey he's not complaining, if they're checking him out that'll do some good to his ego) that will always get thrown to him considering his time in Brazil playing beach, and the trainees that will get turned over to Sakusa, knowing they're the only ones he can tolerate. It's a good batch of work, so they'll do good to take his mind off of his busy bee fiancé.

"Another day with the girls huh, Tsumu?" Bokuto asks, knowing the blonde will have a complaint. He always does, he thinks he's lowkey about it, but everyone can tell how much he despises being picked by the girls. He sometimes even gives them this look or tells them to shut up if their nagging questions about his love life or gluttonous looks start to get too much for him.

"Why can't any of ya intervene if ya know how much they annoy me?"

"Because. They like you. Our "hot" king." Shouyou stepped in, folding his arms as he leaned back against the bleachers.

you have NO idea what your boss does♔A kagehina/shobio story!Where stories live. Discover now