Sick Days=Hostile attitudes(+a bleaky makeout)

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A/N: Wow. A sickfic. So damn original of me.
Actually it's not a full sickfic-nvm just read it👨‍🦯


It was their off day. Not an official off day, since the only reason they are having this moment is because Shouyou woke up feeling shitty as fuck this morning, proceeding to throw up all over their bed and floor (then again in the toilet, Tobio kneeling by his side to massage his scalp and back as he dumped all of last night's curry the taller spent so much time on-and it was delicious- in the bowl). In Tobio's case he called to take off so he could properly take care of the redhead, since he knew Shouyou himself wouldn't do so.

So now here they are, on the sofa watching some tv show that Shou is weirdly invested in, legs tangled up. The shorter is flat against Tobio's chest, sprawled out atop his fiancé who is laying back on the couch yet slightly sitting up, back on the armrest. He's scrolling through his phone, no cares in the world while he takes his free hand from behind his head to rub at Shouyou's back, Shouyou's arms tightening around his waist. He hates that Tobio just decided to give up on watching the show, but the gentle stroke at his back is soothing him into mushiness.


"Hm?" The man answered, face still in his phone.

"Can you watch the show please? I tried really hard picking it."

Tobio moved his phone over, looking at the ginger through his messy mop of hair. It's down and all over the place right now, truly an impeccable sight, but Shouyou knows he'll soon put it up since he hates dealing with it. Much to his disdain. Sighing, Tobio opened his mouth to say something, until harsh rings blared through the house.

Shouyou recognized that as his phone, Tobio sitting up to reach at it. So much for his warm pillow otherwise known as Tobio's chest. You all may be tired of hearing him brag about the man's tits but seriously, if you had them as your pillow every night you'd be obsessed too. Be jealous.

Finishing up the call, Tobio went to the older's message app, typing away again.

"Who're you texting?"

"Your dad. Nat just called about something, I'm giving him the details they need."

Hearing this, Shouyou just shrugged, laying his head back into the raven's white tee.

Clicking the phone off, Tobio continues to scroll on his own phone and Shouyou sighs. Whatever, he's dozing off anyways.

"Shou. Baby. Chookas. SHOUYOU!"

Shouyou snapped his head up, shock leaving his body as he looked up to see Tobio standing over him. When did he sliver out from under him without him noticing? Especially when the redhead is a light ass sleeper.

"You feeling okay? You were tossing and turning, bad dream?"

Shouyou rubbed at his aching forehead, wincing as he felt his fiancée's palm replace his hand.

"No. Everything was pitch black, I didn't have a dream. I could've just been unconsciously uncomfortable. That's happened before."

Tobio tilts his head to the side, but silently agrees, removing his hand from Shou's head.

"Okay. You want to lay in the bed? Or are you hungry yet? It's only 12, you still haven't had lunch yet-

"Tobio I didn't even want to have breakfast. I don't think I can take anything going down my throat without it coming back up in- holy crap you're so dirty minded."

you have NO idea what your boss does♔A kagehina/shobio story!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora