Behind The Woods : One

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[ Warning : cann!bal!sm ]

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Exactly few weeks ago, rumours started to spread across the whole Seoul city. Kids, teens and adults of the city started to disappear out of nowhere every night and never return back again. The numbers of population in the city suddenly dropped down in few weeks due to people disappearing.

But, the cops are trying their best to search for the lost ones and all these rumours began when the first two teens were killed mercilessly inside an abandoned building.



A sharp thunder roared loudly, as beads of water drops speedily fall down from the sky with cold winds blowing heavily. The lighting striked and once again, another thunder dropped.

In the heavy rain, two boys stood under an abandoned building preventing themselves from the rain. It was almost mid-night and the two kids were stuck in there for an hour now.

"JayJay, I'm afraid that this rain will not stop tonight".

One of the boy spoke as he hugged himself due to the fall of the temperature, white fogs escaped from his mouth as he breathe.

"Don't worry, Inhyuk, even if the rain doesn't stops we can spend our night here". JayJay responded, but Inhyuk disagreed with his friend's decision.

"Are you serious?! This abandoned building is not more than a haunted place. I'm not gonna stay here". Inhyuk stood up from the cold floor, and brushed off his pants.

"We don't have any choice, it's raining heavily. Where are we supposed to go in this rain?".

"Home, we will go to our home".

"Inhyuk". JayJay held his friend's hands trying to stop him, but Inhyuk yanked away the hold on his wrist.

"I'm going-.. ".



Suddenly, a sound caught both of their attention. In that empty, and the dark abandoned building, an unknown sound echoed around.

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