Behind The Woods : Nineteen

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[ Warning : Violence Ahead ]

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[2 Hours]

The girl threw the holy water near a tree and collapsed her hands together when she was finally done throwing holy water on the last tree of the area. She and the team which Yumi sent her with, has been spreading holy water everywhere and spitting some holy words. Yumi thinks that if they spread the holy water all around the mansion and it's nearest areas then the demon can't move to the city and so they are doing the asking request.

The girl walked towards the other nuns and priests who were busy spreading the holy water around. She wanted to ask where Taehyun has disappeared, because last he told that he will spread the holy water near somewhere, but after that there was no sign of him.

"Excuse me, sister. Have you seen Taehyun?".

She asked to the nun, but the nun shook her head as 'no'. "The last time I saw him going towards those woods, but then after that I didn't noticed him around anywhere".

"You haven't seen him for hours and you are okay with it? You do that know that this area is not safe and anything can happen!!".

"I'm so sorry, Jieun, I was busy pouring the holy water around. I thought he was with you".

"Why will he be with me!?". The girl pinched the bridge of her nose. "Go and tell the other team members to search for him, because it's not safe to let this matter pass". She spoke in a stern tone and immediately ran towards those woods where that nun pointed at.

The sun has already passed away and the night sky was filled with dark clouds, as soon as the clock will hit 12am tonight, the red moon will appear which signals that it's the demon's night and only two hours left for it to happen.


Jieun yelled out his name, but silence responded her back. The forest was slowly covering itself with the fogs which made it extra hard for her to see through. Suddenly, her leg tripped onto a glass of bottle as she fell on her knees. She immediately looked at the bottle and soon, let out a gasp when she recognized that it was Taehyun's bottle where the holy water was contained in. The bottle was broken and the liquid in it was spread all over the ground.

Jieun gulped down the lump in her throat, in fear. She looked around the area in search of Taehyun but there was no sign of him, she could feel the evil aura in here, signalling that a demon was here.

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